Daniel Larsen

Daniel Larsen

Professor of Earth Sciences

Office Hours
12-3 Mon-Thurs, 3-5 Fri

Research Interests

My research interests are fairly broad, involving geochemistry, sedimentology, and hydrogeology. A major research focus has been to increase our understanding of the geology and hydrogeology of water resources in the Memphis area, mainly through collaboration with researchers at the Ground Water Institute. Other major research areas in the past few years have included understanding ancient lake deposits in the southwestern United States, hydrothermal and diagenetic alteration of craters and calderas, Quaternary stratigraphy, soil studies, and neotectonics within the south-central U.S. Other efforts involve mineralogical and geochemical effects of mine waters in near-surface environments, wetlands studies, and diagenesis of marine and nonmarine sandstones. Examples of these types of research projects and links to selected abstracts, PowerPoint presentations, and PDF's are found in the links below.

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