Arleen Hill
Professor and Chair of Earth Sciences

Research Interests
I am an engaged and applied hazards researcher, my work focuses on managing/reducing the impacts of disruptions to our society and environment associated with hazards and vulnerability. I am chiefly concerned with identifying and addressing root causes of vulnerability and promoting community resilience. My work is intentionally interdisciplinary, multi-hazard, and engaged with community partners. Recent projects have focused on gender, poverty, and youth as elements of both vulnerability and resilience and I am keen to concentrate that focus in rural places. While I have lead international field teams most recently I have focused on west Tennessee and the Mississippi Embayment participating in local and regional emergency management and vulnerability assessment efforts.
Ph.D., Geography, University of South Carolina, August 2002.
M.S., Earth & Environmental Resources Management, University of South Carolina, December
B.S., Geology, Mary Washington College, May 1994.
- 2015 Finalist, Distinguished Teaching Award. Alumni Association, University of Memphis.
- 2014 Distinguished Research Award: Excellence in Engaged Scholarship. College of Arts and Sciences, University of Memphis.
- 2013 Harold Love Outstanding Community Service Award – Nominee. TN Higher Education Commission.
- 2013 Course Redesign Fellowship. Advanced Learning Center, University of Memphis. (Burnette and Hill).
- 2013 Excellence in Engaged Scholarship Award – Nominee. Alumni Association, University of Memphis.
- 2012 First Responder Award Recipient. Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security.
- 2011 River Watch 2011 Appreciation Award. Shelby County Office of Preparedness, Shelby County, TN.
- 2010 Finalist, Distinguished Teaching Award. Alumni Association, University of Memphis.
- 2006 Early Career Research Award Recipient. College of Arts and Sciences, University of Memphis.
Selected Publications (* designates student as first author)
*Wallace, Z. C., and A.A. Hill. 2017. Forecaster and Emergency Manager Perspectives on Coordination and Communication with the Weather Warned Public. Papers in Applied Geography, 3(2), 157-170.
*Javadnejad, F., B. A. Waldron, A. A. Hill. 2016. LITE Flood: A Simple GIS-Based Mapping Approach for Redelineation of Multi-Frequency Floods. Natural Hazards Review.>. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000238.
Brondo, K. V., S. Kent, and A. Hill. 2016. Teaching Collaborative Environmental Anthropology: A Case Study Embedding Engaged Scholarship in Critical Approaches to Voluntourism. Annals of Anthropological Practice - Special Topics: Involve Me and I Learn. 40(2): 193-206. DOI: 10.1111.napa.12101.
*Wallace, Z. C., L. D. Keys-Mathews, A. A. Hill. 2015. The Role of Experience in Defining Tornado Risk Perceptions: A Case from the 27 April 2011 Outbreak in Rural Alabama. Southeastern Geographer. 55(4) 400-416.
Waldron, B., A. Hill, B. Nations, Jr. 2015. Managing Response and Recovery to Mississippi River Flooding in Memphis/Shelby County, Tennessee. In G.A. Tobin and B.E. Montz (eds.) Evolving Approaches to Understanding Natural Hazards. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. (p. 444-457).
Cox, R., R. Van Arsdale, D. Clark, A. Hill, and D. Lumsden. 2013. A revised paleo-earthquake chronology on the southeast Reelfoot rift margin near Memphis, Tennessee. Seismological Research Letters. 84(2). doi: 10.1785/0220120142.
*Rathfon, D., R. Davidson, J. Bevington, A. Vicini, A. Hill. 2013. Quantitative Assessment of post-disaster Housing Recovery: A Case Study of Punta Gorda, Florida following Hurricane Charley. Disasters. 37(2): 333-355. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-7717.2012.01305.x
Van Arsdale, R.B., D. Arellano, K. C. Stevens, A. A. Hill, J. D. Lester, A. G. Parks, R. M. Csontos, M. A. Rapino, T. S. Deen, E. W. Woolery, and J. B. Harris. 2012. Geology, Geotechnical Engineering, and Natural Hazards of Memphis, Tennessee, USA. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience. XVIII(2): 113-158.
Hill, A., J. Bevington, R. Davidson, S. Chang, R. Eguchi, B. Adams, S. Brink, D. Panjwani, R. Mills, S. Pyatt, M. Honey, P. Amyx. 2011. Community-scale Damage, Disruption, and Early Recovery in the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra. 27, S431-446. doi: 10.1193/1.3624964.