Andrew Mickelson
Associate Professor
Research Interests
My current research interests include examining temporal changes in prehistoric settlement patterns in eastern North America. I am interested in the relationships between prehistoric landuse, environmental change, and subsistence practices. My study areas include western Tennessee and eastern Kentucky. I conduct archaeological spatial analysis utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the methodological, analytical, and theoretical stages of archaeology research. My fieldwork employs the use of GIS and GPS to develop and implement statistically robust sampling designs. My theoretical interests include evolutionary ecology, cultural ecology, and evolutionary archaeology.
Selected Publications
- 2014 Mickelson, Andrew M. Current Status of Mississippian Settlement Patterns Research at the Ames Site and Vicinity in Western Tennessee. Poster Presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Greenville, South Carolina.
- 2013 Guidry, Hannah. Mississippian Architecture and Community Development at the Ames Site (40FY7), Fayette County, Tennessee. Unpublished Master's thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Memphis.
- 2011 Goddard, Eric. Investigating Early Mississippian Community Patterning in the Mid-South through Multiple-Method Survey of the Ames Site (40FY7) in Fayette County, Tennessee. Unpublished Master's thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Memphis.
- 2011 Mickelson, Andrew M. and Eric Goddard. The Ames Site (40FY7): A Very Unobtrusive Mississippian Settlement Located in Southwestern Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 5(2).
- 2008 Mickelson, Andrew. Recent Research at the Ames Mound Complex, an Early Mississippian Site in Southwest Tennessee. Tennessee Archaeology 3(2).