Dual Services Agreements

These guidelines are applicable to agreements whereby an institution in the Tennessee Board of Regents System or any agency of state government desires to procure the services of an employee of another institution of state agency or to provide the services of one of its employees to other institutions or a state agencies. All documents must be fully executed prior to the service start date. Dual Services agreements for the University of Memphis may function in one of two ways:

  1. INCOMING: an employee of another State of Tennessee entity may be performing additional work for the UofM, in which case the UofM will be the Procuring Agency, and would pay the other State of Tennessee entity and that entity would pay the employee.
  2. OUTGOING: A UofM employee performs services at another State of Tennessee entity, in which case that entity will pay the UofM as the Vending Agency, and the UofM will pay the employee as part of their standard monthly paycheck.

Based on which of the above choices applies, select the button below to be taken to more information about this process & how it works.

Dual Services Agreements between Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Institutions
Contracts between TBR institutions are permitted in the following situations:
Where the services to be performed are of an infrequent or short-term nature and; Where the services to be performed involve teaching or instruction by an employee not in excess of two courses per quarter or semester Any compensation paid shall not exceed the rate the procuring institution normally pays for such services. Individuals being employed or UofM academic department shall complete a Dual Services Memorandum of Agreement form, obtain vendor institution authorized signature, and forward the form to the appropriate UofM academic department. The UofM academic department shall complete an online requisition and send the completed Dual Services Memorandum of Agreement and Contract/Agreement Routing Form to UofM Procurement and Contract Services department for authorized signature and for a purchase order number to be assigned. All documents are attached to a purchase requisition in Tigerbuy for authorized signature, and then a purchase order number will be assigned.

Dual Services Agreements with the University of Tennessee (UT) Institutions
When the agreement concerns an institution in the Tennessee Board of Regents System and a University of Tennessee institution, the agreement may take one of two forms. The contract may be either, 
       Between the employee involved and the other institution pursuant to the provisions below; or
       Between the two institutions involved, pursuant to the provisions below.

Contracts between an employee of one system and a procuring institution in the other system are permitted only in the following situations:
     1. Where the services to be performed are of an infrequent or short-term nature and;
     2. Payment will not exceed $700.00 per credit hour;
     3. Where the services to be performed involve teaching or instruction by an employee not in excess of two courses per term or year semester.

Contracts under this section may be between the employee and the institution or between institutions. If payment is made directly to the employee, the employee shall be treated as a temporary part-time employee of the procuring institution.

When an agreement is made directly between the employee and the institution, the employee must obtain the written approval of the supervisor and dean or director; and the procuring institution must provide written notice of the agreement to the employer institution. A copy of the agreement must be forwarded to Human Resources.

Any compensation paid shall not exceed the rate the procuring institution or agency normally pays for such services.

Individuals being employed or UofM academic department shall complete a Dual Services Agreement form, obtain vendor institution authorized signature, and forward a copy to the appropriate UofM academic department.

The UofM academic department shall complete an online requisition and send the completed Dual Services Agreement and Contract/Agreement Routing Form to UofM Procurement and Contract Services department for authorized signature and a purchase order number to be assigned.

Dual Services Agreements with other State Agencies (other than The University of Tennessee and Tennessee Board of Regents Institutions)

No payment is authorized to be made by a Tennessee Board of Regents institution directly to an employee of another state agency for services of any nature. Any payment or transfer of funds for such services shall be between the institution and the state agency.

Approvals - all dual services agreements of this kind require the approval of:
    1. Head or authorized signatory of the vendor institution or agency.
    2. Head or authorized signatory of the institution or agency procuring the services
    3. In addition, if compensation exceeds $1,500 to any state agency, approval may be required by the Department of Finance and Administration - Budget Division, if applicable (allow approximately 75 days).

Regardless of the amount involved, a copy of each agreement must be filed with the Department of Human Resources and the Budget Division of the Department of Finance and Administration.

Individuals being employed or UofM academic department shall complete a Dual Services Agreement form, obtain vendor institution authorized signature, and forward a copy to the appropriate UofM academic department.

The UofM academic department shall complete an online requisition and send all copies of the completed Dual Services Agreement and Contract/Agreement Routing Form to the UofM Procurement and Contract Services department for authorized signature, and, if necessary, the Procurement and Contract Services department forwards to TBR, and Department of Finance and Administration - Budget Division for approvals. A purchase order number will be assigned after all approvals have been obtained. All documents are attached to a purchase requisition in Tigerbuy for authorized signature, and then a purchase order number will be assigned.


UofM faculty/staff who wish to perform services for any state agency are required to have prior approval before the service begins. Faculty/staff members can provide services for any Tennessee state agency as provided in HR5011 Extra Compensation and Outside Employment.


  • First you need to discuss the nature of the assignment and the expected commitment of time with your immediate supervisor.
    • Agree to provide the services entirely outside of, and in addition to, normal work schedule, unless the use of annual leave or an alternative work schedule is approved. 
    • Services provided will not interfere with assigned duties and responsibilities or with regular University operations.
    • Does not constitute a conflict of interest or compete with the University's education, research, or public service programs.
  • Contact your Division/Office and request a Dual Service Agreement form to be submitted for approvals.
  • Once approvals have been obtained, the employee should provide a copy of the Dual Service Agreement to the procuring outside agency.
  • A lump sum payment for the base amount of the contract will be made upon completion of services.
  • The faculty/staff member will need to contact their Division/Office to request a payment via the UofM's Extra Compensation e-contract system. 

Procuring Agency:

Pre-Award/Post-Award Services:

  • Pre-Award Services will upload the employee's Dual Service Agreement to the Cayuse system.
  • Upon receiving the final MOU/Contract with signatures, they will upload a copy to Cayuse.
  • Post-Award Services is notified to create a budget in the faculty/staff member’s Org with Fund 127796-Dept Org- Salary Account Code and Prog 3000.  The department will be notified of the FOAP in order to ensure accurate information is included on the eContract.
  • Pre-Award Services will notify the originator of the Dual Service Agreement the final contract has been received. 
  • Post-Award Services will bill the procuring agency after services have been rendered.

Department Originator: 

  • Create the Dual Service Agreement form for the employee. 
  • When notified the final contract is received, the originator can create the Extra Compensation eContract for the payroll cycle following the contract service end date with the designated FOAP provided by Post-Award Services.
  • The job record will be created by Shared Services with the correct pay dates.