Meet Your DRS Coordinator 

Marissa Martinez Headshot

Marissa Martinez, M.A.

Ms. Martinez is the current Disability Resources for Students Coordinator at the University of Memphis-Lambuth campus in Jackson, Tennessee. Ms. Martinez singlehandedly oversees accommodations for the majority of Lambuth students, while teaching a college readiness course for incoming freshmen every fall semester. She has held this position in DRS Lambuth since January 2022. Previously, Ms. Martinez held numerous undergraduate and graduate senior advisor positions within several University of California campuses, including San Diego, Los Angeles, and Irvine. While in the UC system, she served as a liaison for students in working with department administration and faculty in ensuring that they received their accommodations. Ms. Martinez received her Bachelor of Arts degree from UCLA and her Master of Arts degree in Counseling from the University of San Diego’s School of Leadership and Education Sciences.