Syllabus Statement 

Include the following syllabus statement in your course syllabus and discuss it on the first day of classes:

Main Campus Syllabus Statement 

The University of Memphis values all students, and students with diverse learning preferences and needs are welcome in this course. You are encouraged to speak with me privately if there are aspects of instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to inclusion or accurate assessment of achievement. If barriers to participation exist due to a physical, mental, or cognitive condition or a temporary injury, please contact Disability Resources for Students (DRS) to submit an official request for course accommodations by calling 901-678-2880, emailing drs@memphis.edu, or visiting 110 Wilder Tower.

Lambuth Campus Syllabus Statement 

The University of Memphis values all students, and students with diverse learning preferences and needs are welcome in this course. You are encouraged to speak with me privately if there are aspects of instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to inclusion or accurate assessment of achievement. If barriers to participation exist due to a physical, mental, or cognitive condition or a temporary injury, please contact Disability Resources for Students (DRS) to submit an official request for course accommodations by calling 731-425-1906, emailing drslambuth@memphis.edu, or visiting Wilder College Union 004-H.