Accommodation Process

Step 1 

  • Student self-discloses to DRS by completing the Student Introduction Form online.
  • Student provides any third-party documentation (e.g., IEP, 504 plan, psychoeducational evaluation reports, medical information from health care professionals, etc.) that is readily available.

Step 2 

  • DRS contacts the student to schedule an initial appointment.
  • During the initial appointment, DRS engages in an interactive process (i.e., interview about the student experience and history of accommodations and discussion about appropriate accommodations) with the student and provides information regarding any additional third-party documentation that may be needed to support requested accommodations.

Step 3

  • Accommodations supported by documentation are approved during the initial appointment, and students proceed to the next step which is the semester plan meeting.
  • During semester plan meetings, students and DRS coordinators discuss each course and try to anticipate the accommodations that may be needed for each course. Faculty may be consulted to discuss a specific plan for implementation of accommodations.

Step 4

  • Students notify professors of their accommodations via email through DRS Online and initiate a discussion regarding the plan for implementation. Professors may also initiate this discussion once they receive the notification.
  • Plans for implementation of accommodations, such as flexible attendance and flexible deadlines, will be discussed by DRS and professors and then shared with the student.