Dining Accommodation

University of Memphis Dining Services offers a wide variety of options, including options for students with allergies and dietary preferences. All students enrolled in at least 12 credit hours, with at least one credit hour on campus will be automatically enrolled in the Tiger Eat$ dining plan. Other dining plans are optional. If you have disability-related dining needs and cannot use the Tiger Eat$ plan or, if you have committed to a dining plan that needs to be modified, please do the following:

  1. Connect with DRS.
  2. Meet with your DRS coordinator and the UofM Dining Services Registered Dietitian to review food options.
  3. If approved for this accommodation by DRS, submit a dining appeal to University Student and Business Services (USBS). When submitting your dining appeal, you must also submit the memo of approval provided by DRS. Fall dining appeals must be submitted by November 1. Spring dining appeals must be submitted by March 1.

Please note that you are not required to submit any medical documentation to USBS or to the UofM Dining Dietician. All medical documentation should only be submitted to DRS.