
Academic Coaching 

Academic coaching is a service above and beyond legally mandated accommodations to help students develop the skills necessary to be a successful college student. Anyone interested in academic coaching may email drs@memphis.edu.

Student Groups 

Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society

 Delta Alpha Pi is an academic honor society founded to recognize high-achieving students with disabilities. The Zeta Rho chapter, hosted at the University of Memphis is one of over 200 chapters nationally, and one of only four chapters in the state of Tennessee. Please contact Verties Sails at vsails@memphis.edu for additional details.

ADHD Group 

The ADHD Support Group is a group that meets monthly to meet other students and develop coping skills, learning strategies and other ways of improving academic performance with ADHD. The group typically meets monthly. Please contact Verties Sails at vsails@memphis.edu for additional details.

Early Registration 

Undergraduate students registered with DRS will receive an early registration date. Early registration offers a greater selection of courses and allows students to set up their course schedules in a way that works best with their individual conditions.

To take advantage of early registration, students must be sure to meet with their academic advisors prior to the early registration date. Early registration in fall will begin the first week of November, and for spring it will begin the first week of April.

Introduction Letter Templates

Introducing yourself to your instructors each semester is a great way to build rapport. Although DRS does not share information regarding a student’s specific condition with instructors, students often wish to disclose specific diagnosis(es) to create greater understanding between them and their instructors. To assist with this, DRS created the following Introduction Letter Templates that can be personalized by students. If you wish to use one of these letters, download it, personalize it, and send it to your DRS coordinator for their signature.

Susan Te Paske Fund 

Click here to learn more.

University Accessibility Committee

The people of the University of Memphis are driven by doing the right thing for our disabled community.  Sometimes this requires us to look beyond mere compliance with the law to create an environment that is truly accessible to individuals with disabilities. As such, the University Accessibility Committee (UAC) is made up of faculty, staff, and students whose purpose is to thoughtfully consider and eliminate potential and existing barriers to equal access and participation in University programs, activities, and our physical environment. If you are interested in joining the committee, please email tmbchnnn@memphis.edu. To learn more about the committee, please visit the University Accessibility Committee website.