Interpreting and Captioning 

Disability Resources for Students (DRS) schedules ASL Interpreters and Captionists for real time assisted captioning (CART) services upon request for University of Memphis students.

Requests for Classes

In order to receive any disability related service, you must register with DRS, provide appropriate documentation of disability, complete an Initial Appointment and request services, such as interpreter/captioner services, each semester. Although we will make every effort to fulfill all requests, we encourage you to follow the process below to allow plenty of time for planning and scheduling:

  1. Meet with your academic advisor as early as possible (i.e., no later than the last day of October in the fall and the last day of March in the spring)
  2. Participate in early registration (i.e., It will be sometime during the first week of November in the fall and the first week of April in spring) so that interpreters/captioners can be arranged as soon as possible. Check “Registration and Records” under “My Resources in your MyMemphis account for your specific early registration date.
  3. Submit your accommodation requests in DRS Online as soon as possible after you have registered for classes.

You should place your requests a minimum of three to four weeks before the start of each semester to allow DRS staff time to locate appropriate interpreters/captioners. DRS will schedule interpreters/captioners to start with the first day of classes, but late requests for interpreters/captioners may mean that no assistance is available for several weeks.

Requests for Class Related Meetings or University Sponsored Activites

We recommend that you make any additional requests two weeks prior to the event (or as soon as you are aware of the need), but no less than 5 business days before the event. You may contact DRS to make a request via DRS Online using the instructions below.

  1. Log into DRS Online, scroll down to Accommodations on the left side, and click on Communication Access.
  2. Then, click on Custom Requests.
  3. Next, select Non-Class Related Request and then click on the Continue to Add Custom Requests button.
  4. Fill out the form with the following details:
    • Event name
    • Speakers (if known)
    • Event date (month/day/year)
    • Event start time
    • Event end time
    • Detailed location of the event
    • Accommodation requested for the event (interpreting or CART)
    • You may enter in any additional notes
  5. Finally, click on the Add Event button

Messages for DRS Staff can be left at any time at: 901-678-2880 (Voice & TTY); 901-678-3070 (fax); drs@memphis.edu (email).

Assistive Listening Devices 

Williams Sound Hearing Helper Wireless FM 

  • An FM system is an innovative wireless device designed to assist people in hearing better in noisy environments. This specialized device operates by utilizing radio waves to transmit audio signals directly to the listener, bypassing the need to rely solely on ambient sound. The FM system comprises a microphone and a transmitter that are worn by the speaker, and a receiver and coupling device that are worn by the listener. The transmitter receives the sound and sends it wirelessly to the receiver, which then converts the signal into sound and transmits it to the listener's ear.
  • DRS can check out FM system to students who are eligible for this accommodation.

Williams Sound Pockettalker Ultra 

  • This innovative technology is ideal for use in one-on-one or small group conversation settings where clarity and ease of hearing are crucial. the Pocketalker Ultra System can significantly improve the user's ability to understand and engage in conversation. The DRS office can check out Williams Sound Pocketalker to students who are eligible for this accommodation. 
  • Please contact DRS at drsbooks@memphis.edu with any questions or requests for additional training.