Follow the Roar. Experience the Roar. Be the Roar.

UofM Tigers have been creating quite a roar...

In Research Excellence

The UofM is a Carnegie R1 institution, which is a distinction given to universities with the highest level of research excellence. Even if your college path doesn’t include research, it’s nice to know you’ll be learning alongside the best of the best.

In Student Happiness 

The excitement of Division I sports, the fun of more than 360 clubs and organizations and the mentorship of faculty who thoughtfully guide you — college comes together in a way that creates happiness and strong bonds. You’ll build an enormous network of incredible friendships.

In Finding Your Thing

Gain the life skills and confidence to take your next steps towards internships, grad school or the job market — important things that bring you closer to your dreams. This isn’t a stuffy, highly competitive community. You’ll experience more support than you can ever imagine.

In Rankings That Matter

The U.S. News & World Report rankings place the UofM in the top tier among national universities, with 66 of our academic programs in the top 25. Our Honors College is the largest in the state. 

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