Instructional Method & Schedule Type

instructor icon Instructional Method describes the section and is contact based. 

calendar icon  Schedule Type describes the course and is curriculum based.

Instructional Method

Clinical CLN Sections meeting at a clinical site, such as a hospital. It should not be used for labs.

CLN (Clinical)

Conventional CON Generally considered group instruction either for lecture, discussion group, and/or other traditional instructional medium should be coded as Conventinal. Physical education activities, science laboratory, and remedial sections should be included in this category. LEC (Lecture)
LAB (Laboratory)
LLB (Combined Lecture/Lab)
PEA (Physical Education Activity)
SEM (Seminar)
Dissertation DIS Doctoral level courses which are designated as dissertation.
DSR (Dissertation)
Hybrid HYB Combination of web-based and in-person instruction, with at least 50% of the instruction occurring in person.
LEC (Lecture)
LAB (Laboratory)
LLB (Combined Lecture/Lab)
RES (Research)
SEM (Seminar)
Hybrid Less Than 50% In Person HYL Combination of web-based and in-person instruction, with less than 50% of the instruction occurring in person. LEC (Lecture)LAB (Laboratory)
LLB (Combined Lecture/Lab)
RES (Research)
SEM (Seminar)
Independent Study IND A self-directed approach to the acquisition of knowledge and/or competence in which a student plans and carries out learning activities on his/her own, carried out under the guidance of an instructor. Student works independently. Includes directed study, directed reading.  Independent study courses may earn varying amount of credit hours depending on the amount of time devoted and the amount of academic work associated with the course. IND (Independent Study)
RES (Research)
Other Non-conventional Media NCM Used in circumstances where courses do not fit any of the other mediums of instruction. MUP (Musical Group Performance)
PEA (Physical Education Activity)
PRL (Private Lesson)
STU (Studio)
WSP (Workshop)
Student Teaching/
Field Supervision
PRA Applies to internships, cooperative experiences, field experience, intern-teaching or student-teaching type courses CLR (Clerkship)
FLD (Field Experience)
PRA (Practicum/Co-op)
TN eCampus (formerly RODP)-WEB Asynchronous UG RD1   LEC (Lecture)
CLN (Clinical)
IND (Independent Study)
LAB (Laboratory)
LLB (Combined Lecture/Lab)
PRA (Practicum/Co-op)
TN eCampus (formerly RODP)-WEB Asynchronous GR RD2   LEC (Lecture)
CLN (Clinical)
IND (Independent Study)
LAB (Laboratory)
LLB (Combined Lecture/Lab)
PRA (Practicum/Co-op)
TN eCampus (formerly RODP)-WEB Asynchronous DSP RD3   LEC (Lecture)
LAB (Laboratory)
LLB (Combined Lecture/Lab)
Thesis THS Assigned to both master’s and specialists thesis-type courses. MST (Master's Thesis)
Two-Way Video & Audio TWY Instruction and/or material are broadcast to another site; includes one-way video and audio, one-way video two-way audio, two-way video and audio, and public broadcast across television. LEC (Lecture)
WEB-Asynchronous WEB Web-based courses delivered by the institution, taught asynchronously.

LEC (Lecture)
LAB (Laboratory)
LLB (Combined Lecture/Lab)
IND (Independent Study)
PEA (Physical Education Activity)
DSR (Dissertation)
MST (Master's Thesis)
RES (Research)
SEM (Seminar)
FLD (Field Experience)
PRA (Practicum)
CLN (Clinical)
CMP (Comprehensive Exam)

Remote Synchronous CIM Web-based courses delivered by the institution, taught synchronously.

LEC (Lecture)
FLD (Field Experience)
PRA (Practicum/Co-op)
SEM (Seminar)

Schedule Type

Lecture LEC Meets weekly for a specified number of hours; instruction is delivered in a lecture setting. CON (Conventional)
HYB (Hybrid), HYL
RD1, RD2, RD3
WEB, CIM (Remote Synchronous),
Laboratory LAB Instructing, preparing and supervising student investigations; designed to enhance student concept attainment, problem solving and critical thinking. CON (Conventional)
HYB (Hybrid), HYL
RD1, RD2, RD3
WEB, CIM (Remote Synchronous), CIM
Combined Lecture / Lab LLB Combines the lecture and laboratory components into a single section. CON (Conventional)
HYB (Hybrid), HYL
RD1, RD2, RD3
WEB, CIM (Remote Synchronous), CIM
Independent Study IND Self-directed, non-research-based approach to the acquisition of knowledge and/or competence in which a student plans and carries out learning activities on his/her own, carried out under the guidance of an instructor. Student works independently. Includes directed study, directed reading.  Independent study courses may earn varying amount of credit hours depending on the amount of time devoted and the amount of academic work associated with the course. IND (Independent Study)
RD1, RD2, RD3
Musical Group Performance MUP Music courses where students earn credit by performing as a group. NCM (Other Non-conventional Media
Physical Education Activity PEA Physical Education courses where some sort of physical activity occurs. CON (Conventional)
NCM (Other Non-conventional Media)
Private Lesson PRL Music courses where students are privately instructed on voice or instrument.  NCM (Other Non-conventional Media)
Dissertation DSR Specific courses which are, in fact, dissertation courses. This code should only be used for doctoral level courses which are designated as dissertation. DIS (Dissertation)
Master's Thesis MST Master’s and specialists thesis-type courses. THS (Thesis)
Research                                                                         RES Research and investigation, including a course toward directed research and/or a research project. Can be faculty directed or independently done.  CON (Conventional)
HYB (Hybrid)
RD1, RD2, RD3
IND (Independent Study)
Seminar SEM Brings together a group of students to discuss topics of interest under the direction of a instructor or discussion leader. CIM (Remote Synchronous)
CON (Conventional)
HYB (Hybrid)
RD1, RD2, RD3
Field Experience FLD Instructional activities conducted by the faculty and designed to supplement and/or extend an individual course or classroom experience. PRA (Student Teaching/Field Supervision)
WEB, CIM (Remote Synchronous)
Practicum PRA Practical student work under the supervision of a faculty member or under supervision of a professional in the student's field with regular consultation with a faculty member. Use for internships. PRA (Student Teaching/Field Supervision)
WEB, CIM (Remote Synchronous)
Clinical CLN Sections meeting at a clinical site, such as a hospital. It should not be used for labs. CLN (Clinical)
Studio STU Studio courses such as Film, Photography, and Art. NCM (Other Non-conventional Media)
Workshop WSP Courses with a focus on experiential learning under the direct supervision of a faculty member wherein the student performs substantive work in a workshop setting to develop technical or creative skills using the facilities and equipment respective to the area of study. NCM (Other Non-conventional Media)
Comprehensive Exam CMP Specific courses which are, in fact, comprehensive exams. Should only be used for graduate level courses which are designated as comprehensive exam. CMP (Comprehensive Exam)