Elements of Course Descriptions

Example of Course Description

1 ANTH 2 4002- 3 6002. 4 Museum Operation. 5 (3). 6 (3050). 7 (Same as ANTH 4002). 8 Basic aspects of museum organization, management, exhibit planning and execution, and maintenance of collections and records. 9 Two lecture hours, two laboratory hours per week. 10 PREREQUISITE: ART 3090. 11 COREREQUISITE: ART 4001. 12 [G] 13 (S/U)

  1. Subject Area
  2. Course number/level
  3. 6000 level cognate
  4. Course title
  5. Credit hours
  6. Former course number
  7. Cross listing
  8. Course description
  9. Lecture/laboratory description
  10. Prerequisite
  11. Corequisite
  12. General Education Program designation > [G] = General Education Program
  13. Special grading, which can include “S/U”, “S,U, I”, “A-F, IP”


Additional Information


Course Close Out

When a course is no longer appropriate or needed for the department's programs or when there is no enrollment or faculty expertise available, a request should be made to close out the course. In the course inventory, the course will be inactivated as of the summer after approval. See also Course Retention below.

Course Retention

If a course has not been taught during the time specified in the curricular cycle (four years for undergraduate courses and six years for graduate courses), the appropriate department will be notified to decide whether it should be retained or closed out in the course inventory and online Catalog A list of courses not taught in the specific time will be sent to the departments. The departments indicate course close out or retention on the list and submit it during the normal curricular revision process.  


Special Grading

If a grading system other than A-F is to be used for a course, the request to do so must be included as part of the curricular request when initiating a new course and can only be changed from the standard grading system for an existing course through the regular curricular procedures. Notation of the special grading must be included in the course description. At the undergraduate level, special grading is usually limited to such courses as practice teaching, internships, workshops, special problems courses, etc. At the graduate level, special grading is used for the same types of courses as well as practica, theses, dissertations, etc.:


CRPL 7996. Thesis. (1-6). Research and ... ( S/U )

REPEATABILITY TO IMPROVE COURSE GRADE: Most undergraduate courses may be repeated in order to improve a former grade. In the few cases where they may not (Special Topics, individual study, etc. where the content varies from semester to semester), a notation to that effect must be included with the course description. Some graduate courses may be repeated in order to earn a higher grade only if the earned grade was lower than a "B" (3.0). No course may be repeated more than once to improve the grade:


CRPL 4991. Independent Study. (1-3). Individual research and ... This course may not be repeated for the purpose of improving a previous grade.