The University of Memphis Kemmons Wilson Culinary Institute

Chef teacher with students, showing how to cut vegetables

Where Culinary Passion Meets Practice

We are excited to offer a new, specialized Culinary Arts curriculum at the UofM Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management.

About the Kemmons Wilson Culinary Institute

The Kemmons Wilson Culinary Institute (KWCI) is a separate unit within Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality and Resort Management offering a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Hospitality and Resort Management with a concentration in Culinary Arts. The Institute also offers Culinary Certification programs, continuing education credit programs, and other non-credit programs in culinary arts, baking, and pastry. Other programs for executive education and professional certification for industry professionals and food enthusiasts are also offered.

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 The mission of KWCI is to advance culinary knowledge and skills and develop leaders in the global culinary and hospitality industries for the 21st Century. The ambition is to:

  • Provide the best resources available to the students for education, training, and academic development.
  • Enhance student careers through networking, professional development, internships, and placement opportunities within the industry.
  • Foster understanding through experiential learning, cultural immersion, and study abroad programs.
  • Mitigate the financial constraints by providing scholarships, graduate assistantships, and work-study programs.  

Recreational Classes: Open to the Public

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For more information contact KWCI@memphis.edu.


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