Journal Articles

  1. Samani, A. R., and Mishra, S. (2024). How long the effect of take-over conditions Lasts? a survival analysis of Commercial Motor vehicle drivers’ reaction time and driving behavior in Level 4 of automated vehicles. Transportation Research Part-F: Psychology and Behaviour, 107, 149-166.

  2. Sharma, I., Gupta, M., Mishra, S., Velaga, N. R. (2024). Exploring the impact of time pressure on motorized two-wheeler ridershare over-speeding behavior. Transportation Letters, 1-17.

  3. Aravind, A., Mishra, S., Meservy, M. (2024). Nudging towards sustainable urban mobility: Exploring behavioral interventions for promoting public transit. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 129, 104130.

  4. Liatsos, V., Golias, M., Hourdos, J., and Mishra, S. (2024). The capacitated hybrid truck platooning network design problem. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 181, 103999.

  5. Sharma, I., Mishra, S., Kabiri, A., Ghader, S., & Zhang, L. (2024). Use of passive data for determining link level long distance trips. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 179, 103950.

  6. Thapa, D., Mishra, S., Khattak, A., & Adeel, M. (2024). Assessing driver behavior in work zones: a discretized duration approach to predict speeding. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 196, 107427.

  7. Thapa, D., Mishra, S., Velaga, N. R., & Patil, G. R. (2024). Advancing proactive crash prediction: A discretized duration approach for predicting crashes and severity. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 195, 107407.

  8. Shaer, A., Talebian, A., and Mishra, S. (2024). Informing the Work Zone Safety Policy Analysis: Reconciling Multivariate Prediction and Artificial Neural Network Modeling. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 150(2), 04023137.

  9. Pani, A., Sahu, P., Tavasszy, L., & Mishra, S. (2023). Freight activity-travel pattern generation (FAPG) as an enhancement of freight (trip) generation modeling: Methodology and case study. Transport Policy, 144, 34-48.

  10. Pani, A., Sahu, P., & Mishra, S. (2023). Gender disparities in multimodal travel Attitudes, Behavior, and Satisfaction. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 123, 103917.

  11. Venthuruthiyil, S. P., Thapa, D., and Mishra, S. (2023). Towards smart work zones: Creating safe and efficient work zones in the technology era interactions. Journal of Safety Research, In Press.

  12. Samani, A. R., Mishra, S. Golias, M., & Lee, D. J. H. (2023). What influences the location choice of establishments? An analysis considering establishment types and activities interactions. Journal of Transport Geography, 111, 103667.

  13. Kumar, A., Mishra, S. and Ngo, H. (2023). Dynamic Wireless Charging Facility Location Problem for Battery Electric Vehicles under Electricity Constraint. Networks and Spatial Economics, June 2023 Issue.

  14. N. M. Imran, S. Mishra and M. Won. (2023). A-VRPD: Automating Drone-Based Last-Mile Delivery Using Self-Driving Cars. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

  15. Mishra, S., Sharma, I., & Pani, A. (2023). Analyzing autonomous delivery acceptance in food deserts based on shopping travel patterns. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 169, 103589.

  16. Shahpasand, A., Talebian, A., and Mishra, S. (2023). Investigating environmental and economic impacts of the 3D printing technology on supply chains: The case of tire production. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 390, 1 March 2023, 135917.

  17. Ashraf, M. T., Dey, K., & Mishra, S. (2023). Identification of high-risk roadway segments for wrong-way driving crash using rare event modeling and data augmentation techniques. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 181, 106933.

  18. Ngo, H*., and Mishra, S. (2023). Traffic Graph Convolutional Network for Dynamic Urban Travel Speed Estimation. Networks and Spatial Economics, Volume 23(1), pages 179-222.

  19. Liatsos, V., Giampouranis, D., Golias, M., Mishra, S., Hourdos, J., Nalim, R., Frohlich, M.T. and Nicholas, C. (2023). Evaluating cost savings from truck caravanning. Transportation Research Record, 2677(2), 78-97.

  20. Adavikottu, A., Velaga, N. R., and Mishra, S. (2023). Modeling the Effect of Aggressive Driver Behavior on Longitudinal Performance Measures During Car-Following. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 92, 176-200.

  21. Shemer L., Shayanfar E., Avner J., Miquel R., Mishra S., Radovic M. (2022), COVID-19 impacts on mobility and travel demand, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10, 4,2519-2529.

  22. Mishra, S., Sharma, I., & Pani, A. (2023). Analyzing autonomous delivery acceptance in food deserts based on shopping travel patterns. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 169, 103589.

  23. Shahpasand, A., Talebian, A., and Mishra, S. (2023). Investigating environmental and economic impacts of the 3D printing technology on supply chains: The case of tire production. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 390, 1 March 2023, 135917.

  24. Ashraf, M. T., Dey, K., & Mishra, S. (2023). Identification of high-risk roadway segments for wrong-way driving crash using rare event modeling and data augmentation techniques. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 181, 106933.

  25. Ngo, H*., and Mishra, S. (2023). Traffic Graph Convolutional Network for Dynamic Urban Travel Speed Estimation. Networks and Spatial Economics, Volume 23(1), page 179-222.

  26. Liatsos, V., Giampouranis, D., Golias, M., Mishra, S., Hourdos, J., Nalim, R., Frohlich, M.T. and Nicholas, C. (2023). Evaluating cost savings from truck caravanning. Transportation Research Record, 2677(2), 78-97.

  27. Adavikottu, A., Velaga, N. R., and Mishra, S. (2023). Modelling the Effect of Aggressive Driver Behavior on Longitudinal Performance Measures During Car-Following. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 92, 176-200.

  28. Shemer L., Shayanfar E., Avner J., Miquel R., Mishra S., Radovic M. (2022) , COVID-19 impacts on mobility and travel demand, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10, 4,2519-2529.

  29. Simpson J.R., Sharma I., Mishra S. (2022). Modeling trucking industry perspective on the adoption of connected and autonomous trucks, Research in Transportation Business and Management, 45,100883.

  30. Dubey, S., Sharma, I.*, Mishra, S., Cats, O., and Bansal, P. (2022). A General Framework to Forecast the Adoption of Novel Products: A Case of Autonomous Vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Volume 165, Pages 65-95.

  31. Gupta, M, Pawar, N.M., Velaga, N. R., and Mishra, S.(2022). Modeling distraction tendency of motorized two-wheeler drivers in time pressure situations. Safety Science, Volume 154, October 2022, 105820.

  32. Samani, A.*, R. and Mishra, S.(2022). Assessing Driving Styles in Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers After Take-Over Conditions in Highly Automated Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Forthcoming.

  33. Giampouranis, D. K., Golias, M., Theofanis, S., & Boile, M. (2022). Berth Allocation at Passenger Terminals Using Auctions. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(8), 1010.

  34. Sharma, I.*, and Mishra, S.(2022). Quantifying the consumers dependence on different information sources on acceptance of autonomous vehicles. Transportation, Volume X, Pages Y-Z.

  35. Liatsos, V., Giampouranis, D., Golias, M., Mishra, S., Hourdos, J., Nalim, R., ... & Nicholas, C. (2022). Evaluating Cost Savings from Truck Caravanning. Transportation Research Record, 03611981221101890.

  36. Gupta, M, Pawar, N.M., Velaga, N. R., and Mishra, S.(2022). Modeling distraction tendency of motorized two-wheeler drivers in time pressure situations. Safety Science, Volume 154, October 2022, 105820.

  37. Samani, A.*, R. and Mishra, S.(2022). Assessing Driving Styles in Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers After Take-Over Conditions in Highly Automated Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Forthcoming.

  38. Pawar, N.M., Velaga, N.R., and Mishra, S.(2022). Impact of time pressure on acceleration behavior and crossing decision at the onset of yellow signal. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, Volume 87, May 2022, Pages 1-18.

  39. Thapa, D.*, Paleti, R., and Mishra, S.(2022). Overcoming challenges in crash prediction modeling using discretized duration approach: An investigation of sampling approaches. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 169, May 2022, 106639.

  40. Osman, M., Mishra, S., Dey, K., El Said, S., and Thapa, D.*. (2022). Analysis of Roadway Segment Vulnerability and Risk Factors to Crashes while Driving in the Wrong Direction. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, American Society of Civil Engineers.

  41. Talebian, A., and Mishra, S. (2022). Unfolding the state of the adoption of connected autonomous trucks by the commercial fleet owner industry. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Volume 158, February 2022, 102616.

  42. Pani, A., Mishra, S., and Sahu, P. (2022). Developing Multi-Vehicle Freight Trip Generation Models Quantifying the Relationship between Logistics Outsourcing and Insourcing Decisions. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. In press.

  43. Samani, A.*, Mishra, S., and Dey, K. (2022). Assessing the Effect of Long-Automated Driving Operation, Repeated Take-Over Requests, and Driver Characteristics on Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers Driving Behavior and Reaction Time in Highly Automated Vehicles. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior. Volume 84, January 2022, Pages 239-261.

  44. Wang, Y., Mishra, S., Jin, Y., Wu, B., and Zou, Y. (2022). Integrated Travel Demand and Accessibility Model to Examine the Impact of New Infrastructures Using Travel Behavior Responses. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part-A: Systems. 148(1), 05021009.

  45. Pujats, K., Konur, D., & Golias, M. (2021). Models for intra-port container terminal cooperation based on volume and vessel transfer. Maritime Policy & Management, 1-24.

  46. Thapa, D.*, Gabrhel, V., and Mishra, S. (2021). What are the factors determining user intentions to use AV while impaired? Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior.

  47. Haque, K.*, Mishra, S., and Golias, M. (2021). Multi-period transportation network investment decision making and policy implications using the econometric framework. Research in Transportation Economics.

  48. Thapa, D.*, and Mishra, S. (2021). Using Worker Naturalistic Response to Determine and Analyze Work Zone Crashes in the Presence of Work Zone Intrusion. Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 156, 106125. 

  49. Rahman, M. T., Dey, K., Martinelli, D., and Mishra, S. (2021). Modeling and Evaluation of a Ridesharing Matching System from Multi-Stakeholders Perspective. IET Intelligent Transport Systems.. 2021, 1-14.,

  50. Takhtfiroozeh, H.*, Golias, and M., Mishra, S. (2021). Topological-Based Measures with Flow Attributes to Identify Critical Links in a Transportation Network. Transportation Research Record. 

  51. Ashraf, M. T., Dey, K., and Mishra, S. (2021). Extracting Rules from AV involved Crashes by applying Decision Tree and Association Rule Methods. Transportation Research Record.

  52. Samani, A.*, Mishra, S., Lee, D., and Everett, J. (2021). A New Approach to Develop Large Scale Land Use Models Using Publicly Available Data. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. March 2021. , doi:10.1177/2399808321999399.

  53. Li, L., Cao, M., Yin, J., Wang, Y., Mishra, S. (2020). Observing the Characteristics of Multi-Activity Trip Chain and Its Influencing Mechanism. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, 24(11), pp. 3447-3460

  54. Saija, L, Santo, C. & Raciti, A. (2020, accepted) The deep roots of austere planning in Memphis, TN: Is the fox guarding the henhouse? International Planning Studies.

  55. Sharma, I., Mishra, S. Modeling consumers' likelihood to adopt autonomous vehicles based on their peer network. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, 87, 102509.

  56. Ngo, H., Kumar, A., Mishra, S. Optimal positioning of dynamic wireless charging infrastructure in a road network for battery electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, 85, 102385.

  57. Pani A., Mishra S., Figliozzi M., Golias M. (2020). Evaluating public acceptance of autonomous delivery robots during COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research Part D. (In print)

  58. Amini M., Bienstock C, Golias M. (2020). Management of supply chains with attribute-sensitive products: a comprehensive literature review and future research agenda. International Journal of Logistics Management. (In print)

  59. Paleti R., Mishra, S., Haque, K., Golias, M. (2020) Latent class analysis of residential and work location choices. Transportation Letters. https://doi.org/10.1080/19427867.2020.1783610.

  60. Sharma I., Mishra S., Golias M., Welch T., Cherry C. (2020) Equity of transit connectivity in Tennessee cities. Journal of Transport Geography. (In print).

  61. Bhattarai S., Golias, M., Mishra, S., Talebian, A. (2020) Multidimensional resource allocation for freight transportation planning. Transportation Research Part-A: Policy and Practice. (In print)

  62. Pujats K., Golias M., Konur D. (2020) Game Theory Applications for Seaport Cooperation and Competition. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 100; doi:10.3390/jmse8020100

  63. Simpson, J., Mishra, S., Talebian, A., and Golias, M. (2019). An estimation of the future adoption rate of autonomous trucks by freight organizations. Research in Transportation Economics (In print)

  64. Kumar A., Haque, K., Mishra, S., and Golias, M. Multi-criteria based approach to identify critical links in a transportation network. Case Studies on Transport Policy. (In print)

  65. Osman, M., Mishra, S., Paleti, R., Golias M. (2019) Impacts of Work Zone Component Areas on Driver Injury Severity. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part-A: Systems. DOI: 10.1061/JTEPBS.0000253

  66. Guthrie, A., Fan, Y., & Burga, F. (2018). Collaboration in mitigating spatial and skills mismatch: Exploring shared understandings between transit planners and workforce professionals. Journal of Transport and Land Use. 11(1), 1081-1100.

  67. Talebian, A., and Mishra, S. (2018). Predicting Adoption for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: A New Approach Based on the Theory of Diffusion of Innovations. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 95, 363-380.

  68. Ngo, H., Shah, R., and Mishra, S. (2018). Optimal asset management strategies for mixed transit fleet. Transportation Research Part-A: Policy and Practice, 117, 103-116.

  69. Mishra, S., Tang, L, Ghader, S., Mahapatra, S., and Zhang, L. (2018). Travel time reliability estimation and valuation approach for transportation planning applications. Case Studies in Transportation Policies, 6(1), pp 51-62.

  70. Ding, C., Wang, Y., Tang, T., Mishra, S., and Liu, C. (2018). Joint analysis of the spatial impacts of the built environment on car ownership and travel mode choice. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 60, 28-40.

  71. Kumar, A., and Mishra, S. (2018). A Simplified Framework for Sequencing of Transportation Projects Considering User Costs and Benefits. Transportmetrica-A: Transport Science, 14.4, 346-371.

  72. Osman, M., Paleti, R., and Mishra, S. (2018). Analysis of Passenger-Car Crash Injury Severity in Different Work Zone Configurations. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 111, 161-172.

  73. Osman, M., Mishra, S., and Paleti, R. (2018). Injury Severity Analysis of Commercially-Licensed Drivers in Single-Vehicle Crashes: Accounting for Unobserved Heterogeneity and Age Group Differences. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 118, 289-300.

  74. Guthrie, A., & Fan, Y. (2016). Developers' perspectives on transit-oriented development. Transport Policy. 51, 103-114.

  75. Sultana, Z., Mishra, S., Cherry, C., Golias, M.M, and Tabrizizadeh, S. (2018) Modeling frequency of demand response transit trips. Transportation Research Part-A: Policy and Practice. 118: 494-505.

  76. Dulebenets M., Golias M., Mishra S. (2018) A collaborative agreement for berth scheduling under excessive demand. Journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 69:76-92.

  77. Guthrie, A., & Fan, Y. (2017). Accessibility scenario analysis of a hypothetical, future transit network: Social equity implications of a GTFS-based, sketch planning tool. Transportation Research Record, 2671, 1-9.

  78. Wang, Y., Mishra, S., Ye, X., Li, L., and Wu, B. (2017). The Application of Integrated Multimodal Metropolitan Transportation Model in Urban Redevelopment for Developing Countries. Transportation Research Proceedia, 25, 2990-3002.

  79. Xu, W., Guthrie, A., Fan, Y., Li, Y. (2017). Transit-oriented development: Literature review and evaluation of TOD potential across 50 Chinese cities. Journal of Transport and Land Use. 10(1), 743-762.

  80. Ding, C., Mishra, S., Lu, G., Yang, J., and Liu, C. (2017). Influences of the neighborhood and individual-level factors on commuting distance: a multilevel mixture hazard modeling approach. Transportation Research Part-D, 51, 314-325.

  81. Dadashi A., Dulebenets M. Golias M. Sheikholeslami A. (2017) A continuous berth scheduling model at multiple marine container terminals with tidal considerations. Maritime Business Review. Vol. 2, Issue 2, 142-157. (2018 Emerald Awards for Excellence: Highly Commended).

  82. Haque K., Mishra S., Paleti R., Golias M., Sarker A., Pujats K. (2017) Truck parking utilization analysis using truck GPS data. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 143(9): 04017045.

  83. Sarker A., Paleti R., Mishra S., Golias M. (2017) Prediction of secondary crash frequency on highway networks. Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 98, pp: 108-117.

  84. Dulebenets M., Golias, M., & Mishra, S., 2015. The Green Vessel Schedule Design Problem: Consideration of Emissions Constraints. Energy Systems, Springer, pp. 1-23. DOI: 10.1007/s12667-015-0183-3.

  85. Fan, Y., Guthrie, A., & Levinson, D. (2016). Waiting Time Perceptions at Transit Stops and Stations: Effects of Basic Amenities, Gender, and Security. Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 88, 251-264.

  86. Guthrie, A., & Fan, Y. (2016). Weakening Obstacles to Transit Use: Changes in Relationships with Child Rearing and Automobile Access from 2000-2010. Transportation Research Record, 2565, 103-110.

  87. Lagune-Reutler, M., Guthrie, A., Fan, Y., & Levinson, D. (2016). Waiting Area Environments and Waiting Time Perception at Transit Stops: Impacts of Trees, Traffic, and Polluted Air. Transportation Research Record. 2543, 82-90.

  88. Osman M., Paleti R., Mishra S., Golias M. (2016) Analysis of injury severity of large truck crashes in work zones. Accident Analysis and Prevention. DOI:10.1016/j.aap.2016.10.020

  89. Mishra S., Amit K., Golias M., Welch T., Taghizad H., Haque K. (2016) Transportation investment decision making for medium to large transportation networks. Transportation in Developing Economies. 2:18, DOI:10.1007/s40890-016-0023-8.

  90. Sarker A., Naimi A., Mishra S., Golias M. (2015) Development of a secondary crash identification algorithm and occurrence pattern determination in large scale multi-facility transportation network. Transportation Research Part C. 60:142-160.

  91. Mishra S., Golias M., Sharma S., Boyles S. (2015) Optimal funding allocation strategies for safety improvements on urban intersections. Transportation Research Part A. 75:113-133.

  92. Dulebenets M., Golias M., Mishra S., Heaslet C. (2015) Evaluation of the floater concept at marine container terminals via simulation. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory. 54:19-35.

  93. Flaskou M., Dulebenets M., Golias M., Mishra S., Rock B. (2015) Analysis of Freight Corridors Using Truck GPS Data. Transportation Research Record, 2478:113-122.

  94. Golias M., Portal I., Konur D., Kaisar E., Kolomvos G. (2014) Robust vessel scheduling at marine container terminals. Computers and Operations Research, 41:412-422.

  95. Mishra, S., Khasnabis, S., and Swain, S. (2015). Incorporating Uncertainty and Risk in Transportation Investment Decision Making. Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, 38(7), pp. 738-760.

  96. Welch, T., Mishra, S., and Wang, F. (2015). Interrelationship Between Airport Enplanements and Accessibility: Case of Three Airports in Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Region. Transportation Research Record, 2501, pp. 46-55.

  97. Mishra, S., and Zhu, X. (2015). Corrections of Self-Selection Bias in Crash Causality Study: An Application on All-Red Signal Control. Transportation Safety and Security, 7(2), pp. 107-123.

  98. Moeckel, R., Mishra, S., Ducca, F., and Weidner, T. (2015). Modeling complex Megaregion systems: Horizontal and vertical integration for a Megaregion Model. International Journal of Transportation, 3(1), pp. 69-90.

  99. Knaap, E., Ding, C., Nu, Y., and Mishra, S. (2015). Polycentrism as a Sustainable Development Strategy: Empirical Analysis from the State of Maryland, Journal of Urbanism, DOI:10.1080/17549175.2015.1029509.

  100. Mishra, S., Welch, T., Torrens, P., Fu, C., Zhu, H., and Knaap, E. (2015). A Tool for Measuring and Visualizing Connectivity of Transit Stop, Route and Transfer Center in a Multimodal Transportation Network, Public Transport, Springer Series, 7(1), pp. 77-99.

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