Minor in American Sign Language

The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) offers a minor in American Sign Language (ASL). This program is for students in various disciplines across campus who are interested in learning and using ASL. The minor is intended to teach students the fundamentals of ASL as well as enrich students' knowledge of the Deaf and Deaf Culture.

Earning a minor or major in American Sign Language does not prepare a student to work as a professional ASL interpreter. Graduates with this minor should not identify themselves as a professional ASL interpreter. To learn more about becoming a certified ASL interpreter, please see the following sites:

Students interested in the minor do not need to clear it with the ASL instructors or the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Students should let their major advisors know. CSD does not have undergraduate advising staff at this time. If you need an undergraduate advisor, please call the Academic Advising Center at 678.2062.  They will either be able to connect you with an advisor or provide academic advising to develop your schedule. For more information, please contact the ASL Program Coordinator (asl@memphis.edu) in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

A minimum of 18 credit hours is required.

  • 9 credit hours at the lower division level (AMSL  1020,  2010, and  2020)
  • 9 credit hours at the upper division level (3000 and 4000 level)
Required Courses Code

AMSL 1020 American Sign Language II

F, S, U

AMSL 2010 American Sign Language III

F, S, U

AMSL 2020 American Sign Language IV

F, S, U

Upper Division Courses (9 hours)

Required Course:

  • AMSL 4206 – Deaf Culture and Deaf History Credit Hours: (3)

Choose any two of the following courses:

Choose One:

Only one of the following upper division options can qualify for an upper division course

  • PSYC 3530 - Psychology of Language Credit Hours: (3)
  • ENGL 3511- Intro to Linguistics** Credit Hours: (3)
  • COMM 4375 - Intercultural Communication** Credit Hours: (3)
  • SOCI 3422—Racial and Ethnic Minorities** Credit Hours: (3)
  • PSYC 3030 – Multicultural Psychology Credit Hours: (3)

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