Robyn M. Cox, Ph.D.

Robyn M. Cox, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

4055 N. Park Loop, Room 4066
Office Hours
By appointment

About Robyn Cox

Dr. Cox joined the faculty in 1976.  Her research program focused around the theme of improving methods for fitting hearing aids on older adults and determining the long-term outcomes of the hearing aid fitting and other associated audiological rehabilitation.  She retired from the School in 2016.


  • Ph.D., Indiana University, 1974
  • M.A., Ball State University, 1971
  • B.S., Ball State University, 1969
  • Dip. Sp. Ther., University of Queensland, 1967

Additional Information

Listings of publications, presentations, and posters can be viewed on the website of the Hearing Aid Research Laboratory at www.harlmemphis.org. The site also provides information and materials on clinical applications in hearing aid fitting and outcome measurements.

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