School Updates 

Students and Alumni indicated with * 

Grants and Awards 

*Mr. Bobby Jackson received the Dean’s Conference Award to support his presentation, “Effective Communication Across Different Generations,” at the 57th Biennial National Association of the Deaf Conference in Chicago, IL in July 2024. 

The University of Memphis, School of CSD was awarded a $1,300,000 grant over five years to increase SLP and SLP-A services in small or sparse public-school districts in TN. Linda Jarmulowicz (PI), Katherine Mendez (Co-Investigator), and Frances Breland (Administrative Associate)

ASL and Deaf Studies program received an award for Efforts in Creating in A More Inclusive Community from the Disability Connection Midsouth in July 2024 Access Awards.

Service/Professional Development 

Jennifer P. Taylor completed her term as past president for the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders on June 30, 2024.

Jennifer P. Taylor is serving ASHA as the Supervision and Precepting Topic Co-Chair for the 2024 ASHA Convention

Miriam van Mersbergen will become content editor for Perspectives on behalf of the Special Interest Group 3: Voice and Upper Airway Disorders,

Miriam van Mersbergen became a co-editor for The Voice, the Newsletter of the Voice Foundation. 

Miriam van Mersbergen has been asked to speak at Brazil on-line about self-agency, attention, and manual therapy in voice treatment.

Miriam van Mersbergen has been asked to speak at the Voice Study Center in the United Kingdom.

Jani Johnson is serving as the the President of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology

Jani Johnson was invited to serve on the task force for updating the American Academy of Audiology’s Clinical Guidelines on the Management of Adult Hearing Loss 

Book Chapters /Publications 

DeRuiter, M. and  Taylor, J.P. (2025). Managing stress and conflict in the workplace. In M. Hudson and M. DeRuiter (Eds). Professional issues in communication sciences and disorders, sixth edition. Plural Publishing, San Diego, CA. 

Hyde, J., Feenaughty, L., & van Mersbergen, M. (2024). Does Vocalization Increase the Positive Valence of Emotion?. Journal of Voice. doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2024.07.022.

Warren, S.E., Lopez, L., Anthony, T., & Coco, L. (2024). Communication Public Health: An integration of speech-language pathology, audiology, and public health. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. doi: 10.1044/2024_JSLHR-23-00491

Anthony, T., Quast, T., & Warren, S.E. (2024). Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Automated Auditory Brainstem Response (aABR) diagnostic test compared to Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emission screening (TEOAE) for universal newborn hearing screenings (UNHS) in high-risk neonates. Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention. In press

Oates, M., Bean, A., Kickbusch, R., & Sauer, S. (2024) Extending double empathy: Effects of neurotype-matching on communication success in an expository context. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1044/2024_AJSLP-23-00393.

Nudelman, C. J., Bottalico, P., van Mersbergen, M., & Nanjundeswaran, C. (2024). Toward Enhanced Voice-Related Self-Reports: Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and Validity. Journal of voice: official journal of the Voice Foundation, S0892-1997(24)00089-4. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2024.03.016


Haddix, V., Morales, A.*, Schoonover Haq, A., Evenich, A., Terry, K.*, Taylor, J. (2024) Supervision of Individuals with Disabilities. Invited webinar panel for ASHA's Conversations on Supervision series
Mandulak, K.C. & Taylor, J.P. (2024). Solution-Focused Dialogue: Motivating Your Team. Invited Presentation at the Annual Conference for the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Bass, J.K.,* Warren, S.E., Dillard, S.G.,* Peeple, A.,* Xie, L., Li, K., Jones, S.,* Richard, C., Ness, K.K., Hudson, M.M., Armstrong, G.T., Merchant, T.E., Hua, C.H., & Krull, K. (2024, July 11). Evaluation of cochlear implant candidacy in survivors of childhood cancer. Podium Presentation at the American Cochlear Implant Alliance Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Coffelt, J.A., Warren, S.E., & Yawn, R.J. (2024, July 11). Management of a Cochlear Implant User with Facial Nerve Stimulation and Dizziness While Eating: A Case Study. Poster and Podium Presentation at the American Cochlear Implant Alliance Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Warren, S.E., Coffelt, J.A., & Hyman, A. (2024, July 11). Physical Safety as a Concern in Cochlear Implant Management. Poster Presentation at the American Cochlear Implant Alliance Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Copping, B., & Buder, E. (2024, May). Modeling syllable rhythms for interactive alignment studies. Poster presented at the 186th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Canada
MIriam van Mersbergen presented, Cortical Responses to Vocal Errors at the Functional Neurological Disorders Society in Verona, Italy, June 2024.

New Hires

Ms. Adele Dunkin joins the SLP program and school administration as the Co-Director of SLP Clinical Education in August 2024. 
Mr. Anthony Isaacs joins the ASL program as an Assistant Professor of Teaching in August 2024.
Dr. Morgan Jameson (formerly Oates) joins the SLP program as an Assistant Professor in August 2024.
Dr. Thierry Morlet joins the AuD program as an Associate Professor in August 2024.