School Updates

Students indicated with *


Dr. Naomi Eichorn was awarded an NIH R21 grant for $191,704 from the National Institutes for Health (NIH) for her project “Information processing biases in adults who stutter: Behavioral and eye-tracking indices of threat-related attention allocation.”


Jordan Alyse Coffelt was awarded an American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Award for Continuing Education (ACE) in May 2023.

Jordan Alyse Coffelt was awarded the Graduate Student Association, Mentor Award. 

Service/Professional Development

*Karissa Terry, 2nd year AuD student, will serve as the AuD Student State Office (SSO) for Tennessee for the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (National NSSLHA) from September 1, 2023 – July 31, 2024. This experience provides students with many opportunities to develop leadership skills and contribute to the future of their professions.

Dr. Jennifer Taylor completed her term as President of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders.


Eichorn, N., *Hall, J., & Marton, K. (2023). Complex working memory in adults with and without stuttering disorders: Performance patterns and predictive relationships. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 105993.

*He, D., Buder, E.H., & Bidelman, G.M. (2023). Effects of Syllable Rate on Neuro-Behavioral Synchronization Across Modalities: Brain Oscillations and Speech Productions. Neurobiology of Language, 4 (2): 344 – 360.

*He, D., Feenaughty, L., & Wan, Q. (In Press). Global acoustic speech temporal characteristics for Mandarin speakers with Parkinson`s Disease during syllable repetition and passage reading. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

Johnson, J., *Sarangi, L., *Johnson, B. (In Press). Shared experiences among successful hearing aid users with high hearing aid self-efficacy. International Journal of Audiology.  


Buder, E.H. & Oller, D.K. (2023, August 10). Acoustic phonetic classification of primary infant protophones. Presentation and proceedings publication for the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague.

Coffelt, J.A., Warren, S.E., & Yawn, R. (2023, June 9). Management of a Cochlear Implant User with Fluctuating Middle Ear Pressure Changes: A Case Study. Poster presentation at CI2023 Conference of the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, Dallas, TX.

*B. Copping and E.H. Buder (2023, August 10). TSCR: A comprehensive coding system for task-oriented vocal interaction analysis. Presentation and proceedings publication for the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague.

Davies, C., Yawn, R. Warren, S.E., & Coffelt, J.A. (2023, June 9). Using Process Maps to Optimize Cochlear Implant Delivery in a Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cochlear Implant Team. Poster presentation at CI2023 Conference of the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, Dallas, TX.

*K. Hazelton, an SLP summer graduate and PhD student, presented "Breath Manipulations Effect on Emotional and Cognitive Processing in Voice Therapy" at the Voice Foundation's 52nd Annual Symposium : Care for the Professional Voice" in Philadelphia as part of her master's thesis in the Voice, Emotion, & Cognition Laboratory. 

*J. Hyde, an SLP spring 2023 graduate, presented, “Voicing’s Effect on Emotional Processing” at the Voice Foundations 52nd Annual Symposium: Care for the Professional Voice in Philadelphia as part of their master’s thesis in the Voice, Cognition and Emotion Lab.

*Nibert, G.N., Warren, S.E., Coffelt, J.A., & Coco, L. (2023, June 10). Utilizing Community-Engaged Research to Understand Access to Cochlear Implants in Underserved Communities. Presentation at CI2023 Conference of the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, Dallas, TX.

*S. L. Powell, an SLP summer 2023 graduate, has been accepted for a podium presentation at the Fall Voice Conference in Washington, DC.

*C. Radcliff presented a poster "Emotion Regulation Strategy’s Effect on Glottal Contact Quotient" at the Voice Foundation's 52nd Annual Symposium : Care for the Professional Voice" in Philadelphia as part of his pre-doctoral candidacy project in the Voice, Emotion, & Cognition Laboratory. 

Warren, S.E., Coffelt, J.A., *Nibert, G.N., & Coco, L. (2023, June 10). Attitudes, Beliefs, and Knowledge related to Cochlear Implant Update among Black Americans. Presentation at CI2023 Conference of the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, Dallas, TX.

(This presentation was selected as a top 10 podium presentation from the conference, and an invited article will be included as part of the Conference Proceedings in Otology & Neurotology.)

Johnson, J. Adapting Your Protocols to Evaluate OTC hearing aids. Invited ASHA Professional Development Seminar. (2023, August 23).

*Crenshaw, K., Paek, E. & Feenaughty, L. (2023). Impact of elicitation task on discourse production in mild Alzheimer's disease. Thesis research presented at the 52nd Clinical Aphasiology Conference. Atlantic City, New Jersey.


Dr. Lisa Lucks Mendel retired from her position as Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor in Audiology as of August 8, 2023. Her contributions to the School and its students were numerous and her energy and efficiency will be missed. She joins her husband, Dr. Maurice Mendel, Dean Emeritus, who has set a very good example of how to retire well.

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