Faculty Updates

New Grants

Deborah Moncrieff PhD, PI, was recently awarded a 2021 Community of Research Scholars (CoRS) grant from the Division of Research and Innovation to support her interdisciplinary work on auditory processing in children.


Bidelman, G. M., Brown, J., & Bashivan, P. (in press). Auditory cortex supports verbal working memory capacity. NeuroReport.

Bidelman, G. M. Price, C. N., Mahmud, S., & Yeasin, M. (2020). Decoding hearing loss from brain signals. The Hearing Journal, 73(11), 42-45.

Eichorn, N., Zarn, M., Moncrieff, D., Sposto, C., Lee, S., Hoffman, J.E., Levy, M., & Caplan, J. (2020). Original Interprofessional Simulations to Train Students in CSD and Related Health Professions in Team-Based Health Care. Communication Disorders Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1177/1525740120942127

Eichorn, N., Caplan, J., Levy, M., Zarn, M., Moncrieff, D., Sposto, C., & Hoffman, J.E. (2020). Breaking the ice: Use of music improvisation to facilitate interprofessional communication. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 21, 100379. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2020.100379

Eichorn, N., Mullins, C.M., Borja-Hart, N., Minor, T., Williams, S.A. (In Press). Development of a state-wide IPE faculty toolkit. Journal of Allied Health.

Feenaughty, L., Guo, L., Weinstock-Guttman, B., Ray, M., Benedict, R., & Tjaden, K. (in press). Impact of cognitive impairment and dysarthria on spoken language in multiple sclerosis. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.

Mendel, L.L., Pousson, M., Bass, J.K., Coffelt, J.A., Morris, M & Lane, K.A. (September 2020). Spanish Pediatric Picture Identification Test. American Journal of Audiology, 29(3), 318-328.


Donnan, S. & Eichorn, N. Atypical disfluencies in a school-age child: a case study. Poster accepted for presentation at the Oxford Dysfluency Conference, January 7-8, 2021.

Hoyt, A. & Eichorn, N. Valence ratings of stuttering-related and neutral words in school-age children with and without stuttering disorders. Poster accepted for presentation at the Oxford Dysfluency Conference, January 7-8, 2021.

Amy Nabors, Clinical Supervisor, and Dr. Sandra Stinnet from UTHSC hosted the first meeting of the MidSouth Area Support Group for Those with Spasmodic Dysphonia. The group is co-organized by the National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association (NSDA). Spasmodic Dyshphonia is a neurological voice disorder that causes the muscles that generate a person's voice to spasm which cause result in breaks or interruptions in a person's voice.

Vicki Haddix, Clinical Associate Professor and Emily Pierce, 2nd year SLP student, presented at the Tennessee Association for Assistive Technology Conference on Friday, November 6. Their session explored ways for clinicians to model and elicit the use of core vocabulary through shared reading and writing activities.


Dr. Sarah Warren and Dr. Jordan Alyse Coffelt each received the 2020 Distinguished Early Career Professional (ECP) Certificate from the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association. This award is for professionals "...who are making an impact in the areas of leadership, volunteering, or advocacy at the local, state, and/or national level."

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