Mid-South Conference

The 55th Annual Mid-South Conference on Communicative Disorders is busily preparing for this year’s conference. It will be held in Memphis, February 27-28, 2025.  The strong clinical focus of the conference attracts professionals from throughout the United States as well as graduate and undergraduate students in the field of communication sciences and disorders.

The information below is for the 55th Mid-South Conference.

2024 conference brochureClick on the graphic to see speaker and session information (updated 1/16/2025).

To register for the conference, click on this registration link.

2025 Outcomes, Agendas, Bios, and Abstracts with Seminar Numbers

Speaker Disclosure with Seminar Numbers







We look forward to seeing you there!

Documents regarding conference presentation will be available for download in the New Year.

MidSouth Handouts

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates on conference information!


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