To increase the diversity of and support for the graduate student population and faculty
in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD).
To improve cultural competence in the School of CSD to create a sense of belonging
for every student.
To build awareness of the CSD graduate programs and professions by connecting with
HBCUs, local high schools, and other campus programs.
Work of the DEI Committee
The committee will work with the admissions committee and the Associate Dean to coordinate
student recruitment activities throughout the year.
The committee will organize school-wide events that bring DEI issues to the forefront
and promote cultural awareness within the school.
The committee will organize and/or attend events to raise awareness of the CSD professions
and programs to diverse populations.
Any proposals that affect curricula or require larger changes to School structure
or function must be written up as a formal proposal and sent through the appropriate
review and approval processes.