Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan of the University of Memphis

University of Memphis Strategic Plan: Defining Our Future

Strategic Plan of the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Strategic Plan: Priorities, Goals, and Actions

Strategic Priorities 

In conjunction with evaluation of the UofM’s Ascend strategic plan, the following priorities were identified. These priorities reflect the mission, vision, and values of the School community. They guide the goals, actions, and outcomes of the plan.

Strengthen Scholarship & Expertise: 

Robust research activity is critical to the reputation and quality of the CSD programs. Faculty have a responsibility to contribute to the knowledge-base and expertise of their fields and to train the next generation of academic-researchers in CSD. A strong science foundation is important to the professional and research doctoral programs.

Balanced Education & Programs: 

The education and training of students is central to what we do. Our programs should be attractive and contemporary, both in content and instructional methods. The School will be attentive to program demands, both those made from the broader community and those made of its students and faculty. Building program capacity while maintaining program integrity is critical. It is imperative that students are prepared for the rigor of our programs.

Foster Student Success: 

The School prepares students for professions (at the graduate level) or for continued study or community advocacy (at the undergraduate level). We strive to support all students before, during, and after they complete our programs. Leadership and engagement are key to student outcomes. Creating a welcome and caring environment is central to our values.

Community Connection: 

The School resides in a dynamic community locally and nationally. It strives to strengthen its relationships and grow its service to the Memphis community. Increasing awareness of the School and what it offers is critical in a modern academic environment.

Sustainability and Operational Excellence: 

Efficiencies should be found and acted upon in all areas of the school. The School should clearly communicate changes, justify areas of need, and evaluate as needed. Sustainability has been a serious goal for the School for several years.

  1. Increase research capacity and activity
    1. Increase external funding
    2. Increase research faculty
    3. Increase number of PhD and post-docs
    4. Re-envision role and structure of CRISCI
  2. Increase national and regional reputation
    1. Increase number of ASHA fellows on faculty
    2. Increase number of specialty certification for clinical faculty

  1. Establish new and sustainable programs
    1. ASL Deaf Education Minor
    2. SLP-A Program
  2. Augment current programs
    1. ASLTA-certification for all ASL faculty; ASL Honor’s course
    2. IPE/IPP curricular integration (GR)
    3. Explore MA rolling admissions
    4. Expand/improve DEIB efforts
  3. Manage enrollment demands
    1. ASL staffing
    2. Convert important limited positions to base funding
    3. Audiology clinical faculty 

  1. Increase student preparedness
    1. Recruit excellent students and admit top students in graduate application pool
    2. Improve student onboarding for all students
  2. Increase student support
    1. More funding opportunities for students
    2. Improve student accommodations process
    3. Better programming/support once students arrive
  3. Improve student learning/learning outcomes
    1. Streamline remediation process (GR)
    2. Increase flexibility in course design/UDL/problem-based
    3. Tutoring
    4. Implement changes based on outcomes, including PRAXIS, exit surveys, alumni survey
  4. Maintain excellence in Graduate student retention and job placement

  1. Grow/expand/augment MSHC programs
    1. Develop sustainable clinical programs that benefit student education and the community
    2. Interprofessional programming
  2. Improve marketing and communications
    1. Establish MSHC marketing plan
    2. Create research marketing plan
    3. Update/modernize recruitment materials
    4. Increase accessibility to information about programs
  3. Increase community investment and interest
    1. Advisory Board/MSHC BoD expansion
    2. CRISCI research advisory board

  1. Improve or update School and Clinic operational practices
    1. Navigable guidelines and functional reporting/tracking
    2. Better onboarding practices
  2. Ensure adequate resources
    1. Staffing
    2. Technology
  3. MSHC operations and finances
    1. Revenue goals
    2. Tracking/reporting/auditing resources

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