B.S. Computer Science
Cybersecurity Concentration

Cybersecurity is an increasingly relevant field in today's world. In her September 2016 remarks, U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker indicated that employers nationwide face a shortfall of over 200,000 cybersecurity specialists.

The U of M has long been at the forefront of cybersecurity research. Our Center for Information Assurance has received millions of dollars in research grants, and we are designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education and Research (CAE-CDE, CAE-R) by the NSA/DHS.

Since Fall 2017, we have been excited to bring our expertise to undergraduate students with a cybersecurity concentration for the B.S. degree.  Students in this concentration take 12 hours of cybersecurity-oriented coursework.  For the latest requirements, please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog.

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