Sajjan Shiva

Sajjan G. Shiva

First Horizon Foundation Distinguished Professor

Dunn Hall 335
Office Hours
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PhD, Electrical Engineering, Auburn University, 1975

Research Interests:
Software systems, cybersecurity

Personal Website:

Google Scholar

Dr. Shiva joined the University of Memphis in 2002 as the Director of the Computer Science Division and transitioned it into the Department of Computer Science in 2005.  He served as the Founding Chair through 2015.  He has served on the computer science faculty at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and Alabama A&M University. He has also served as the Manager of Software Quality Assurance at Teledyne Brown Engineering; Senior Software Engineer and Executive Manager (Technical) at Intergraph Corporation; and Technical Advisor, Computer Technologies Division, U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command.

Dr. Shiva has consulted with industry and government organizations in the areas of software engineering, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, and expert systems. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a life member of ACM. He has received research funding from NSF, NASA, U.S. Department of Defense, and ONR. His current interests are game theoretic cyber security and secure software engineering.

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