Myounggyu Won

Myounggyu Won

Associate Professor

Dunn Hall 398
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PhD, Computer Science, Texas A&M University, 2013

Research Interests:
Cyber physical systems, mobile computing, intelligent transportation systems

Personal Website:

Google Scholar

Dr. Won has been with the Department since Fall 2018, where he directs the Connected Smart Sensor Systems (CS3) Lab. He received a PhD degree in Computer Science from Texas A&M University at College Station (2013) and a BE degree from Sogang University in South Korea (2007). Before joining the UofM, he was an Assistant Professor at South Dakota State University.

Dr. Won's research focuses on innovating transportation systems towards smart and connected communities. He develops algorithms, protocols, and systems based on state-of-the-art sensing, computation, and wireless communication technologies to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of transportation. His work has been published in top-tier conferences and journals such as ICRA, MM, T-ITS, TOSN, and MobiHoc.

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