mDOT Center Receives $1.1M NIH Grant for AI Wearables

Posted on 2024-04-22

Santosh Kumar

The National Institutes of Health recently awarded $1.1M to the mDOT Center at the University of Memphis to continue developing cutting-edge artificial intelligence for wearables with the goal of transforming health and wellness around the globe.

Established in 2020 at the MD2K Center of Excellence housed at the UofM, the mDOT Center is a national biomedical technology research center that serves as a national hub for collaborative research. The center is led by Dr. Santosh Kumar, director of the Center of Excellence for Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K) and Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence Professor in Computer Science. The center works closely with up to two dozen grant-funded projects to jointly develop, test, and deploy its novel wearables, apps, software, and research design tools to advance health research.

More information is available in the UofM press release.

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