CS Undergraduates Win HACK Memphis Challenge

Posted on 2024-11-21

Hack Memphis 2024

A team containing UofM Computer Science undergraduates Hassan Ali, Yusra Salameh, and Yesenia Sanchez took first place in the Blight Challenge at the City of Memphis Hackathon (HACK Memphis) held at the FedEx Institute of Technology from November 15-17, 2024.

Hassan, Yusra, and Yesenia, along with teammates Kaliaya Dews, Katerra Payne, and Tasneem Wakil, implemented their project Clean Slate during the event. Clean Slate aims to leverage smart-city infrastructure to help adults leaving incarceration and youth to organize neighborhood cleanups and put cash in their pockets while beautifying their City.

The team received a $1,000 prize for their efforts.

More information is available at the City of Memphis website.

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