18th Annual CS Research Symposium

Posted on 2023-04-24

The 18th Annual CS Research Symposium was held on Friday, April 7.

During the event, students shared their ongoing research in two presentation sessions and a poster session.  A panel of faculty judges evaluated the submissions.  The awards this year went to:


  1. Katie Bridson, "Going APE: Mastering Full-Stack Web Dev Skills via Worked Examples, Practice Testing, and Self Explanation (Advisor: Prof. Scott Fleming)
  2. Anup Shakya, "Mastery Guided Non-Parametric Clustering to Scale Up Strategy Prediction" (Advisor: Prof. Deepak Venugopal)
  3. Meiying Zhang, "Multi-Criteria Client Selection and Scheduling with Fairness Guarantee for Federated Learning Service" (Advisor: Prof. Kan Yang)


  1. Navid Mohammad Imran, "WatchPed: Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction using Embedded Sensors of Smartwatch" (Advisor: Prof. Myounggyu Won)