Prof. Phan Receives Best Paper Award at EDM 2022

Posted on 2022-11-22

Vinhthuy Phan

Prof. Vinhthuy Phan received the Best Paper Award at the 15th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2022), held at Durham University from July 24-27, 2022.

Phan's paper, "Addressing Competing Objectives in Allocating Funds to Scholarships and Need-based Financial Aid," is joint work with UofM staff Laura Wright (Sponsored Programs Proposal Administrator, DIvision of Research and Innovation) and Bridgette Decent (Associate Vice Provost for Strategic Analytics and Director, Office of Institutional Research).

On selecting the work as the winner, the conference organizers stated that it "explores how data-driven methods can be used to better address the issue of allocating scholarship funds. It stood out for its impressive practical impact and its illustration of how the proposed method allows institutions to experiment to compare the expected outcome of different funding strategies."

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