Profs. Rus and Fleming Co-PIs on $3.4M NSF Grant

Posted on 2020-01-14

Profs. Vasile Rus and Scott Fleming are co-PIs on a new $3.4M grant from the National Science Foundation's Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program.

Vasile Rus Scott Fleming

The project, titled "Advancing the Science of Learning Data Science with Adaptive Learning for Future Workforce Development," will develop an AI-enabled data science tutor that can be integrated into JupyterLab, an established professional data science tool.  The tutor will provide 250 hours of training content.

Expected to last until the end of 2024, the project is led by PI Prof. Andrew Olney from the UofM's Institute for Intelligent Systems (IIS).  It is an interdisciplinary effort among the IIS, Department of Computer Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences (Prof. Dale Bowman), and Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership (Prof. Andrew Tawfik).

More information can be found on the NSF award abstract.

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