Fall 2017 Software Engineering Showcase

Posted on 2018-01-19

At the end of last fall semester, undergraduate students in Dr. James Yu's Software Engineering class displayed their semester projects.

The projects included the following:

Hot Spots in Memphis
Alex Austin (Team Lead), Nickolas Chastain, Richard DeSaussure, Eric Gladden, Jason Kolwyck, Maxwell Skenandore

This project is a web-based application to display (in real time) the current criminal conditions of areas throughout a map of Memphis. From the map, users can select an area of interest and see the details of crimes in that area.

Cyber Scanner
Jon Cobb (Team Lead), Yucheng Zhang, Ousmane Diallo, Naim Hakeem, Umair Ahmed, Derico Walker

Conventional computer system port scanners are usually cluttered with walls of text and hard-to- decipher details around multiple IPs. This project creates a graphical display that visually helps users to identify ports and associated activities. Users can store the scan data into a database and query the data for further analysis.

Matthew Weihl (Team Lead), Brianna Frye, Benjamin Brown, Austin Nabors, Semere Tadesse

DebateMate is a website that allows users to participate in a digital debate forum and discuss various topics. Users can view the topic of the day, join one side of the debate, and post arguments in favor of their side. Users can also vote and score the arguments of each side to determine which side has the better argument.

F17 Software Engineering Showcase

The Great Escape, North Park
Da Ziang (Team Lead), Jimmy Vuong, Kendrick Nelson, Samantha Elkouz, Vinh Tran

This project is a prison escape game that focuses on the idea of user choice. The user has control of a prisoner and the goal is to escape. The prisoner must navigate through a floor of the prison and reach the exit door while avoiding being defeated by guards. This project aims to please gamers who enjoy the turn-based genre and reignite general gamer interest in turn-based RPGs.

Chris Kent (Team Lead), Kyle Drennen, Glenn Harper, James Craft, Amanda Garner
People often fail to follow their fitness plans and cannot reach their goals due to lack of consistency, difficult to follow plans, and lack of updated status on their current health. This project uses modern mobile technology to consistently update a user with health information to overcome the above issues.

F17 Software Engineering Showcase

Daniel Linn (Team Lead), Damian Coomes, Chase Cook, Brandon Ellis, Adam Rogers

This project provides travelers a way to optimize their plans when visiting unfamiliar cities or places. It is a web service that allows users to search for types of attractions and indicate which ones they would like to visit. Selected attractions are displayed on a map and can be ordered such that they will take the least amount of time to visit.

Tiger Trail
Tyler Miles (Team Lead), John Britton, Aaron Leonard, Brennan Kersey, Clifford Montjoy, Coby Glass

This project is a web-based application targeted at new or relatively new employees, students, parents, and visitors that provides navigation services for the University of Memphis campus quickly, clearly, and efficiently. Users can select their destinations and have a clear route presented to them. Users can also create accounts and save routes.

Miguel Betances-Lee (Team Lead), Tim Camp, Michael Bowman, Charles Plowman, Alok Shah

This project is an application that allows diabetic patients to log their blood glucose level, walking, carbohydrate intake, and sleep. The software produces valuable recommendations, graphs, and insights to help users improve and maintain in-range blood glucose levels.

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