CS Students Win at University Research Forum 2017

Posted on 2017-03-28

Five Computer Science students received awards at the U of M's 29th Annual Student Research Forum held on March 27.

First place in the graduate Math and CS category was shared between Eiman Aldhahri, a doctoral student of Prof. Sajjan Shiva, for her poster "An Interactive Mechanism Design for Crowdsourcing Multi Objective Recommendation System"; and Rajendra Banjade, a doctoral student of Prof. Vasile Rus, for his poster "Automatic Assessment of Open-Ended Answers using Probabilistic Soft Logic."

McKittrick Swindle won first place in the undergraduate Math and CS category, while Robert Edstrom and Berkeley Willis took second place.  All three of these undergraduate students work in the Center for Information Assurance with Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta.

This year's students continued our tradition of doing very well in this university event.  Congratulations!

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