Spring 2017 New Faculty
Posted on 2017-01-25

The Department is pleased to welcome Dr. Kan Yang as a tenure-track Assistant Professor.
Dr. Yang completed his PhD from City University of Hong Kong in 2013, and he has since been a postdoctoral fellow at City University of Hong Kong and in the Broadband Communications Research Group at the University of Waterloo. His research interests are in the area of cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, and distributed systems, with a focus on security and privacy.
He has published more than 30 high quality papers that appear in prestigious venues including IEEE TIFS, TPDS, TVT, TMM, TWC, COMMAG, WirelessMag, IEEE INFOCOM’13-15, ICDCS’12, and ACM AsiaCCS’13. In addition, he has served as a TPC member for many international conferences, including IPCCC’15-16, ICCCN’15-16, and AsiaCCS-SCC’14; and he is an active reviewer for many top journals and conferences, such as IEEE JSAC, TPDS, TCOM, TKDE, TIFS, and INFOCOM.