2017 DoD Information Assurance Scholarship Program

Posted on 2017-04-25

The Department of Defense is seeking rising junior and senior undergraduate (third and fourth year) and graduate/doctoral students who are interested in full-ride scholarships for concentrated studies in information assurance. Students selected for the program will receive full scholarships and will be provided a stipend to cover room and board expenses: undergraduate students will receive a stipend of $22,500, and graduate (master's and PhD) students will receive a stipend of $30,000 per academic year. This requires the student to agree to serve one year of service to the DoD, upon graduation, for each year of the scholarship received, in addition to the internship identified below.

During breaks in their academic studies, Information Assurance Scholars will receive progressive, hands-on experience in information security internships. In return, scholars must agree to some restrictions and obligations regarding curriculum, GPA, and pre and post program employment. If all conditions are met, Information Assurance Scholars will receive full-time conditional/permanent positions in agencies and components of the DoD upon program completion.

For more information about the scholarship and how to apply, please refer to the Center for Information Assurance announcement: https://www.memphis.edu/cfia/scholarships/index.php.  The deadline to apply is May 19, 2017.

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