Recent Publications from Prof. Dasgupta

Posted on 2017-12-04

Dipankar Dasgupta

Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta has recently had three research papers accepted or published in leading journals:

  • D. Dasgupta, A. Nag, D. Ferebee, S. Saha, K. P. Subedi, A. Roy, A. Madero, A. Sanchez, and J. R Williams, "Design and Implementation of Negative Authentication System," International Journal of Information Security, November 2017, pp. 1-26.
  • D. Dasgupta, A. Roy, and D. Ghosh, "Multi-User Permission Strategy to Access Sensitive Information," Information Sciences Journal, 423, January 2018, pp. 24-49.
  • M. Hajeer and D. Dasgupta, "Handling Big Data using a Data-Aware HDFS and Evolutionary Clustering Technique," IEEE Transactions on Big Data (accepted for publication as a regular article).

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