2017 CS Research Day Winners

Posted on 2017-03-07

Congratulations to the winners of the oral and poster presentations at the 13th Annual Computer Science Research Day.

Computer Science faculty and students gathered this past Friday in the University Center, Fountain View Room in order to view presentations from over 20 participants in a variety of exciting research areas. We awarded the top three places in both categories; however, all of the participants did an excellent job. Each of the first place winners received Amazon Echoes, second place winners received Roku Expresses, and third place winners received Camelback water bottles.

2017 Research Day

Oral Presentations:

  1. Austin Z. Henley (top left), A Tool to Improve Modern Code Review at Microsoft
  2. Soujanya Chatterjee (top center), mCrave: Continuous Estimation of Craving during Smoking Cessation
  3. McKittrick Swindle (top right), Linux Encrypted Containers: Implementing Data at Rest

Poster Presentations:

  1. Tyler Moore (bottom left), Markov Chain Approximations of Self-assembly
  2. Robert Edstrom and Berkeley Willis (bottom center), Understanding Social Engineering Attacks through Simulated Cyber Environment – PBL II
  3. Adithya K. Murthy (bottom right), Big Data Analysis using Hadoop & Spark

More photos from the event are available on Dropbox.

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