Tennessee Higher Education Commission Grant

Posted on 2016-11-09

The Department will be involved in a $75K 2017 Improving Teacher Quality grant from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission to develop online CS education modules for middle school students.

The grant will focus on the development of five online modules by teachers in Hardeman County Schools, Hardin County Schools, and the Jackson-Madison County School System. The module development will culminate in a series of Summer 2017 workshops to familiarize all middle and high school teachers in the participating school districts with the material.

The U of M faculty involved include:

  • Prof. Lee Allen from the Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership will oversee the project and coordinate the summer workshops.
  • Prof. Stephanie Ivey from the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering will be primarily responsible for the delivery and dissemination of the online modules, using the existing West TN STEM Hub online resources.
  • Kriangsiri Malasri from the Department of Computer Science will serve as a content reviewer for the teacher-developed online modules.
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