CS Students Win at University Research Forum 2016

Posted on 2016-03-30

Computer Science students have continued the tradition of doing very well in this year's University Research Forum, winning both 1st and 2nd place in the Math and Computer Science poster session.

Undergraduate Division

First place went to undergraduate Ashlesh Gawande and Ph.D. student Muktadir Chowdhury, for their work on "Named Data Networking on Autonomous Vehicles" under Prof. Lan Wang.

Second place went to undergraduate Kevin Townsend, for his work on "Large-Scale Microarray Data Integration for Improved Differential Expression Analysis" under Prof. Bernie Daigle.

Graduate Division

Second place went to Ph.D. student Abhijit Nag for his work on "Design and Implementation of Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication Framework" under Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta.

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