2016 CS Research Day

Posted on 2016-04-01

Congratulations to the winners of the oral and poster presentations at the 12th Annual Computer Science Research Day.

Computer Science faculty and students gathered today in the FIT Fishbowl in order to view presentations from over 20 participants in a variety of exciting research areas.  We awarded the top three places in each category; however, all of the participants did an excellent job.  Each of the first place winners received tablets and second and third place winners received Amazon gift certificates.

Special thanks to the panel of faculty judges: Profs. Nasir Ali, Bernie Daigle, Dipankar Dasgupta, Scott Fleming, Max Garzon, Zhuo Lu, Vinhthuy Phan, Vasile Rus, Deepak Venugopal, and Lan Wang.  Thanks also to Profs. Santosh Kumar and Scott Fleming, Graduate Student Association president Austin Henley, and Administrative Secretary Lyndsey Rush for organizing and making the event possible.

Austin HenleyAbhijit NagRobert Edstrom

Oral Presentations

  • 1st Place: Austin Z. Henley (above left), Yestercode: Improving Code-Change Support in Visual Dataflow Programming Environments
  • 2nd Place: Borhan Samei, A Novel Framework for Adapting Text-trained NLP Models with ASR Errors
  • 3rd Place: Hillol Sarker, Finding Significant Stress Episodes in a Discontinuous Time Series of Rapidly Varying Mobile Sensor Data

Poster Presentations

  • 1st Place: Abhijit Kumar Nag (above center), An Adaptive Approach towards the Selection of Multi-factor Authentication
  • 2nd Place: Swaroop Sudheer Goli, MSPARK: A Scalable Lifted Inference for MLNs
  • 3rd Place: Nam Sy Vo, Leveraging Known Genetic Variants to Improve Variant Detection

Undergraduate Poster Presentations

  • 1st Place: Robert Edstrom (above right), Puzzle Based Learning in Cyber Security Education
  • 2nd Place: Benjamin Murphy (Graduate Partner: Minsheng Zhang), Exploring a Data-Centric Approach to Securing Smart Homes
  • 3rd Place: Berkeley Willis (Graduate Partner: Sujit Shrestha), Web Application Security Exercise and Testing Platform
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