Prof. Rus Wins Best Paper Award at ICSLE 2015
Posted on 2015-12-22

Prof. Vasile Rus (pictured at right) and postdoc Dr. Dan Stefanescu won the Best Paper Award at the 2nd International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2015) for their paper entitled "Towards Non-Intrusive Assessment in Dialogue-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems." ICSLE is an upcoming leading conference in the area of learning technologies with a highly competitive acceptance rate which this year was at 23% for full papers.
Drs. Rus and Stefanescu's research findings will have significant impact on the development of future learning technologies that are more effective and more engaging. Their study showed that it is possible to accurately monitor students' prior knowledge level with respect to a target domain based solely on characteristics of the natural language interaction between students and state-of-the-art conversational intelligent tutoring systems. That means the the proposed method could be used to non-intrusively monitor students' performance and therefore allow for appropriate feedback, and eliminate explicit tests which are time-consuming and often cause anxiety for students.
The full paper is available from SpringerLink at