Undergraduates Win NSBE Hackathon

Posted on 2015-11-09

Undergraduate students Herve Aniglo and Kareem Dasilva received 1st place in the first annual hackathon at the National Society of Black Engineers Region 3 Fall Regional Conference.

Herve and Kareem took 9 hours (out of a 12 hour time limit) to create the NSBEMobile app, a mobile platform for NSBEconnect which includes analytics, login/registration, mapping, and statistics.  They were invited to showcase the app during the upcoming NSBE Annual Convention in March 2016 and to continue working on the app over the summer as an internship opportunity.

Herve and Kareem are pictured below working on the app, and with NSBE Executive Director Karl Reid.  Congratulations!

Herve Aniglo, Kareem Dasilva Herve Aniglo, Karl Reid, Kareem Dasilva

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