Undergraduates Participate in
CCSC Programming Contest

Posted on 2015-04-13

The U of M sent two teams of undergraduate students to the CCSC Mid-South programming contest held at Hendrix College on April 10.

Team 1 consisted of Shawn Hickman and Cameron Roe, while Team 2 consisted of Keenan Diggs and Ismael Husein Alonso. Mr. Kriangsiri Malasri was the faculty sponsor.

There were 19 teams from 9 schools participating in this year's contest. Both of our teams finished in the top half of the final standings. Team 2 solved 3 of the 7 problems, earning them a 5th place finish. Team 1 solved 2 problems, earning them a 9th place finish. The full results are posted at http://www.ccsc-ms.org/index.php?page=contest&sub=results.

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