U of M Partners with 100 Girls of Code

Posted on 2015-06-16

100 Girls of CodeThe U of M has become an official chapter of 100 Girls of Code (100girlsofcode.com), a national organization started by the Tennessee Code Academy that aims to introduce more young women to computer science and engineering from an early age.

As part of this partnership, the Department is holding a series of free summer workshops for girls ages 10-18 to introduce them to the basics of writing code. Participants will get to create projects using the Scratch drag-and-drop programming tool, as well as create their own websites with HTML/CSS.

Instructors Dr. Elena Strange and Mr. Kriangsiri Malasri, along with graduate student Alka Singh, led the first workshop on May 28. Additional workshops are planned for Friday, July 10 and Saturday, August 1. Registration will be available through the 100 Girls of Code website.

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