Department News


Assistant Professor Position Available
The Department invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor, beginning Fall 2025. Screening of applications will begin on December 2, 2024, and will continue until the search is concluded. For details and to apply, please see WorkforUM.

CS Undergraduates Win HACK Memphis Challenge
A team containing UofM Computer Science undergraduates Hassan Ali, Yusra Salameh, and Yesenia Sanchez took first place in the Blight Challenge at the City of Memphis Hackathon (HACK Memphis) held at the FedEx Institute of Technology from November 15-17, 2024.

Center for Information Assurance Receives $500K Cybersecurity Training Grant
The Center for Information Assurance received a $500,000 grant under DHS/FEMA-CTG 2024 for three years to conduct a project entitled “Cybersecurity Analysis for Cloud Environments and Cyber Identity & Authentication.”

AI GPU Cluster Launches
The UofM has launched a new GPU cluster for AI research, funded by the National Science Foundation. Principal Investigator Prof. Xiaolei Huang is leading the project, along with co-PIs Duane McKenna, Chrysanthe Preza, Vasile Rus, and Santosh Kumar. For more information, please see the Division of Research and Innovation.

UofM Receives Renewed CAE-R Designation
Under the leadership of the Center for Information Assurance, the UofM has been re-designated by the Department of Defense and National Security Agency as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Research through the academic year 2029.

Best Paper Award at ACM ASIACCS 2024
Prof. Kan Yang won the Best Paper Award at ACM ASIACCS 2024 for "Silent Proof." SilentProof is a cutting-edge privacy-preserving authentication protocol. The research, led by doctoral student Jamal Mosakheil, offers a groundbreaking solution to key challenges in anonymous credential systems.

Alum Geetha Aradhyula (MS 2007) Profiled for UofM Graduate School Alumni Feature
Read the article here!

mDOT Center Receives $1.1M NIH Grant for AI Wearables
The National Institutes of Health recently awarded $1.1M to the mDOT Center at the University of Memphis to continue developing cutting-edge artificial intelligence for wearables with the goal of transforming health and wellness around the globe.

19th Annual CS Research Symposium
The 19th Annual CS Research Symposium was held on Friday, March 29.

CS Faculty Included in Stanford-Elsevier Top Researchers Ranking
Four current and former Computer Science faculty are included on the 2022 Stanford-Elsevier list of the world’s most-cited scholars.


Prof. Vasile Rus Receives $2M iCODE Grant
Prof. Vasile Rus is the PI on the iCODE (improve source CODE comprehension) project, a three-year effort funded with $1,999,595 from the Department of Education's Institute for Education Sciences.

Center for Information Assurance Receives New Grant
The Center for Information Assurance (CfIA) has received $1M in funding from FEMA/DHS as part of an $8M award to the five-university National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium, of which the UofM is a core member.

New $1.1M NSF Grant for GPU Cluster
Prof. Xiaolei Huang is the PI on a 3-year, $1.1M grant from the National Science Foundation for a new GPU cluster.

NSF Grant for Prof. Papadopoulos
Christos Papadopoulos, Professor and Sparks Family Chair of Excellence in Global Research Leadership, has received a 3-year $220k grant from the National Science Foundation for the "Privacy in Internet Measurements Applied to WAN and Telematics" (PIMAWAT) project.

Spring 2023 Capstone Project: Youdle
Read about one Spring 2023 capstone team's experience on the Student and Alumni Spotlights page!

Prof. Wang Receives DARPA Grant
Prof. Lan Wang, department chair and Dunavant Professor, has received a grant from the Mission-Integrated Network Control (MINC) program sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Peraton Labs is the prime contractor of the contract.

Students Win 1st Place at Technology against Tornado Competition
Doctoral students Meiying Zhang and Suravi Regmi were awarded 1st place at the inaugural Technology against Tornado Student Competition and Expo, held at the University of Tennessee at Martin on April 21, 2023.

18th Annual CS Research Symposium
The 18th Annual CS Research Symposium was held on Friday, April 7.

Prof. Xiaolei Huang Receives New NSF Grant
Prof. Xiaolei Huang has received a CRII award (#2245920) from the National Science Foundation for his project "CRII: III: Metadata-guided Imbalance-Modeling for Robust Computational Healthcare."

Department Receives Funding for 502 Project
The Department has received $15k of sub-award funding for the 502 Project, which aims to encourage communities to pursue cybersecurity careers by connecting them with mentors in the field.

Fall/Winter 2022 Newsletter
The Fall/Winter 2022 CS Newsletter is now available!

Prof. Dasgupta Selected National Academy of Inventors Fellow
Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta has been selected as a prestigious National Academy of Inventors Fellow for the Class of 2022.


Prof. Dasgupta Receives Arthur C. Graesser Presidential Award for Lifetime Achievement in Research
Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta has been selected as the 2023 recipient of the UofM's Arthur G. Graesser Presidential Award for Lifetime Achievement in Research.

Center for Information Assurance Updates
The Center for Information Assurance (CfIA) has had several exciting activities this fall.

Prof. Phan Receives Best Paper Award at EDM 2022
Prof. Vinhthuy Phan received the Best Paper Award at the 15th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2022), held at Durham University from July 24-27, 2022.

Matiwos Birbo Awarded 2nd Place at NSBE Hackathon
Computer Science senior Matiwos Birbo received 2nd place at the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Hackathon, held at the NSBE Region III Fall Regional Conference in Atlanta.

Available Faculty Positions
The Department seeks candidates for a Visiting Assistant/Associate Professor (starting Spring 2023) and a tenure-track Assistant Professor (starting Fall 2023).

Alumni Spotlight: Sajib Sen
Read about Sajib's exciting activities on the Student and Alumni Spotlights page!

Invited Talks at NCAT IoT Workshop
Profs. Dipankar Dasgupta and Myounggyu Won gave invited virtual talks at a hybrid Internet of Things Security Workshop hosted by North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University on Friday, Sept. 23.  The faculty presented their recent work from the Center for Information Assurance, including recently developed hands-on security exercises.

Prof. Fleming Receives Most Influential Paper Award
Prof. Scott Fleming received the VL/HCC 2022 Most Influential Paper Award for his paper “Modeling Programmer Navigation: A head-to-head empirical evaluation of predictive models” from VL/HCC 2011.  This award is given each year by the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing to one paper that was published roughly 10 years ago and that has had the most influence on VL/HCC research or commerce.

Fall 2022 Faculty Accolades
Several Computer Science faculty were recognized at the College of Arts and Sciences annual meeting on Thursday, August 18.

IEEE Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Dasgupta
Prof. Dipankar Dasgupta gave an invited IEEE Distinguished Lecture on "Adversarial Machine Learning and Defense Strategies" virtually at WEITA'22.

UofM Designated as Center of Excellence in Cyber Defense
The UofM has been designated as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD) through the 2027 academic year.

Postdoctoral Fellow Position Available, Center for Information Assurance
For details and to apply, see https://workforum.memphis.edu/postings/31563.

Spring 2022 Newsletter
The Spring 2022 CS Newsletter is now available!

Applications Open for CyberCorps Scholarship for Service
The CyberCorps Scholarship for Service provides up to 3 years of support for both undergraduate and graduate students, in return for post-graduation government service.

Prof. Weizi Li Receives New NSF Grant
Prof. Weizi Li was awarded a $175K grant from the National Science Foundation for his project "Towards Effective and Efficient City-scale Traffic Reconstruction."

New GenCyber Grant from NSA
The Department has received a new one-year, $100K cybersecurity education grant from the National Security Agency.

New $3.8M Cybersecurity Education Grant from NSF
The department has received a $3.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation to address the growing national demand for cybersecurity professionals.

Department Receives $36K Gift from Intel
The gift will be applied towards several diversity initiatives.

Student Spotlight: Walt Williams
Read about Walt's exciting activities on the Student and Alumni Spotlights page!

[ Archived News ]

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