Supporting the Department

The Department has been fortunate to receive several generous gifts from donors. Gifts can endow professorships, scholarships, fellowships, classrooms, and labs for our students. They can also be used to help defray travel expenses for conferences to present research papers, as well as many other activities that are extremely meaningful to our students and the Memphis community.

If you are interested in making a tax-deductible donation, please visit the University of Memphis Giving site.

  • Select "All CAS Funds"
  • Select "Computer Science Discretionary Fund" (for general support) or "Diversity in Computer Science Scholarship" (to support that specific award).

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Major Donors

Peter I. Neathery (1942-2000)

An alumnus of Hendrix College and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Peter I. Neathery was a doctoral candidate in computer science at the University of Memphis, where he distinguished himself in several classes and coauthored papers with faculty of the Department. Mr. Neathery's generous gift to the Department has made possible the endowment of the Peter I. Neathery Scholarship and Fellowship Fund. The fund will award scholarships and graduate fellowships to deserving undergraduate and graduate students in computer science for generations to come.

Additionally, Mr. Neathery's gift supports the Peter I. Neathery Colloquium Fund, which allows us to hold our Colloquium Series each Spring and Fall semester.

C. E. and S. Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith

The C. E. and S. Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith provided funding to establish an endowment to honor the memory of Matt Smith. The fund allowed the Department to award the Matt Smith Memorial Scholarship for a number of years, with preference given to incoming freshmen from Collierville High School with plans to major in Computer Science.

Intel Corp.

Intel generously supports ten of our Diversity in Computer Science scholarships, in addition to providing funding for the Creative Game Design Camp.

Computer Science Discretionary Fund Donors

  • Steve Ash
  • Robert Jackson
  • Phani D. Vajha
  • Lan Wang
  • Jarek Wilkiewicz
  • Parya Zareie

Diversity in Computer Science Scholarship Donors

  • Lei Pi
  • Lan Wang

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