Diversity in Computer Science Scholarship

The Diversity in Computer Science Scholarship aims to increase participation in the field from underrepresented groups. It is open to incoming freshmen as well as existing undergraduate students.

Computer Science departmental awards are made possible by the generous support of donors.  If you are interested in contributing, please see our Giving page.


  1. This scholarship is for undergraduate students.
  2. Must identify as part of an underrepresented population in computer science.
  3. Incoming freshmen must have Computer Science as their declared major with an ACT score of 26 or higher.
  4. Current students must be majoring in Computer Science and within their first two years of joining the University of Memphis.
  5. Current students must have a GPA of 3.3 or higher, and be making satisfactory progress towards their Computer Science degree.
  6. Awardees are selected by the Computer Science faculty or designated committee.
  7. Each scholarship is $2,500.00 and requires full-time enrollment for the year of the award.


All applications should be submitted through the University's centralized Tiger Scholarship Manager system. Please refer to the University's Scholarships page for details.

Past Recipients

  • Marcos Barrera (2022-23)
  • Matiwos Birbo (2022-23)
  • Destiny Brooks (2021-22)
  • Madeline Cychowski (2019-20)
  • Marrisa Dobmeier (2018-19)
  • Camren Dozier (2022-23)
  • Jonathan Fernando (2022-23)
  • Jeremy Flagg (2022-23)
  • Dylan Grant (2022-23)
  • Brandon Hobson (2020-21)
  • Justin Juarez (2019-20)
  • Alissa Martini (2022-23)
  • Amanda Ngo (2022-23)
  • Calvin Payton (2022-23)
  • Sasha Self (2021-22, 2022-23)
  • Shima Shash (2022-23)
  • Brendon Shaw (2022-23)

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