I (along with Vibhav Gogate and Vincent Ng) presented a tutorial at EMNLP 2016 on
Advanced Markov Logic techniques in NLP The slides are here [pdf]
2 new papers accepted at COLING 2016
I am on the PC of AAAI 2017 and AISTATS 2017
New Paper Accepted at UAI 2016
A Beta version of the Magician (Markov Logician) software is available
My dissertation is available for download
New paper on scalable learning algorithms for Markov Logic Networks accepted at AAAI-2016
I am on the PC for IJCAI 2016
I am always looking for hard-working, motivated students to join my research group.
If you are interested in working in my areas of interest, feel free to drop by my
office for a discussion.