Previous Courses Taught

  • 2010

    • Fall

      (Syllabii are in elearn website)
      • COMP 4/6410: Computer Security
      • COMP 4/6270: Operating Systems
      • COMP 7901: Independent Study
      • COMP 7980: Research Seminar
      • COMP 7996: Thesis
      • COMP 9000: Dissertation
    • Spring

      • COMP 7125: Computer Forensics (Syllabus in elearn website)
      • COMP 7901: Independent Study
      • COMP 7980: Research Seminar
      • COMP 7996: Thesis
      • COMP 9000: Dissertation
  • 2009

    • Fall

      • COMP 4/6410: Computer Security (Syllabus in elearn website)
      • COMP 7901: Independent Study
      • COMP 7980: Research Seminar
      • COMP 7996: Thesis
      • COMP 9000: Dissertation
  • 2007

    • Fall

    • Spring

      • COMP 7/8327:Network and Internet Security
  • 2006

    • Fall

      • COMP 4/6410: Computer Security
      • COMP 7125: Computer Forensic
      • COMP 7901: Independent Study
    • Spring

      • COMP 7/8327:Network and Internet Security
  • 2005

    • Fall

    • Spring

      • COMP 7/8327: Network and Internet Security
      • COMP 7901: Independent Study
  • 2004

    • Fall

      • COMP 4/6410: Computer Security
      • COMP 7901: Independent Study
  • 2003

    • Spring

      • COMP 7/8327: Network and Internet Security
  • 2002

    • Fall

    • Spring

      • COMP 7/8327: Network and Internet Security
  • 2001

    • Fall

      • COMP 4/6410: Introduction to Computer Security
    • Spring

      • COMP 7/8327: Network and Internet Security
      • COMP 7105: Contemporary Electronic Commerce
  • 2000

  • 1999

    • Fall

      • COMP 4/6310: Data Communications I
      • COMP 7/8282: Evolutionary Computation
    • Spring

      • COMP 4/6996: Internet Applications and Java Programming
      • COMP 7/8991: Topics on Network and Internet Security
  • 1998

  • 1997

    • Fall

      • COMP 4/6996: Internet Applications and Java Programming
      • COMP 7/8282: Evolutionary Computation
    • Spring

      • COMP 4/6310: Data Communications
      • COMP 4/6270: Operating Systems