Team: Preview Pilots

student choice #1 First Place Student's Choice Award

Semester: Spring 2024 


App description: Live 3D augmented reality-like (AR) view of manufactured product parts (e.g., signage) overlayed on a photo to help users visualize the parts in the real world before ordering them.

Github: https://github.com/widowvision/PreviewPilot

Student team

Precious T Jones

Email: ptjones6@memphis.edu

Libbyclaire C Mcghee

Email: dlcmcghe1@memphis.edu

Noah Bradley Seavers

Email: nseavers@memphis.edu


Zach Wilkinson

Email: zach@cdplastics.design


Brandon Booth

Email: bmbooth@memphis.edu

Teaching Assistant Advisor

Israt Naiyer

Email: israt.n@memphis.edu


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